Your Daily HomeScope for July 27, 2022

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


One of the best parts about making things is the time spent flipping through magazines, deciding what to make next. When you land upon the perfect project, it feels like striking gold! Assess what materials you already have at home, and then run to the store for whatever things you don't have. You may have a creation by the end of the night!


When you take a look around your house, you may realize that aside from family photos, there isn't a lot of true 'art' hanging on your walls. Don't despair -- it's never too late to start collecting interesting pieces. Challenge yourself to pinpoint what you like. Spend hard-earned money if it strikes you as truly beautiful.


How exactly does dry ice, salt, sugar and cream materialize as ice cream? And why would sugar, when cooked with butter, turn into caramel? Your kitchen is a laboratory of sorts -- it's your job not just to eat the food, but also to know what it is that you're eating, and how it came to be.


Though you'll be as cautious as ever today, watch out for others as you move throughout your day. Cars will pull quickly out of their driveways and housemates will run willy-nilly, holding fragile cakes in their hands. To prevent accidents, check twice and then check again.


As the party is happening in t-minus 10 minutes, you will be none too pleased to discover that you are absolutely out of ice. A call placed to a reliable friend will remedy any fix you're in. What seems like a tragedy to you is a quick trip to the mini-mart for someone else.

What does your moon sign mean? Learn more about your emotional world with a Moon Sign Reading! 🌙


You were all set to stay in and watch a movie tonight -- the popcorn was even popped -- when the power decided to go out. Consider this a minor setback. What other things can you do with your evening that include a freshly popped bowl of popcorn and candlelight?


The day will be pure as unblemished thoughts, the fresh snow reminding you of an untroubled conscience, and the days before anxiety set it. Take a cue from what nature has wrought and live your life like the still, serene scenery.


It never really bothered you much until a guest pointed it out. 'What are you planning to do with this wall?' he innocently asked, but until that moment, you hadn't realized how empty it was. Think about ways that you can fill the empty spaces in your house. Openness is one thing, but emptiness is another.


With a new winter coat in your arsenal, you may have to make a tough decision about your old one. The pocket lining is torn out and the coat is missing two buttons, but do you have the heart to throw it out? Decide now whether it is heirloom-worthy, or if it's out with the old, in with the new.


You feel pretty strongly that your orchid is acting strange because it's not getting enough water, but an expert may have another opinion. When you're out of your realm of knowledge, it may be good to listen up -- instincts are on thing, but knowing when to listen can also be intuitive.


What in the world is that pink thing floating in your soup? And how is one supposed to eat a hard-boiled egg with only a knife? You may be exposed to some foreign culinary delights this week. Embrace the change of pace. Unusual opportunities like this don't always come along.


It was your pleasure to plan the party, and cooking for a roomful of friends is your favorite thing to do. But footing the bill for the entire gathering is not your favorite thing. In your kindest (but firmest) way, go about collecting from your co-hosts. It probably slipped their minds, and they'll be happy for the reminder.

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