Your Daily HomeScope for July 14, 2022

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


You'll surprise even yourself as you spontaneously embark on a pioneering project. Sit yourself down at the drafting table and mastermind your next home improvement or knitting project. It may be more complicated than you anticipated, but you can handle it today.


There is a force driving you forward and onward in a tedious household project you've been working on for ages, but another side of you would rather take a major break. You're at odds with yourself today as you struggle among sides of yourself -- stick to routine tasks and things you could do with your eyes closed.


Head outside and take all of your hopes and wishes for a brisk walk. Collect your thoughts as you survey the landscape of your neighborhood and allow your mind to transform the sights before you into the upcoming seasons and back again. You can create the perfect balance between hopes for the future and appreciation of the present.


How could your housemate make a pot of potato leek soup? If she had only looked around more carefully, she would have discovered that you clearly had plans for the household dinner. Don't think of her as insensitive, and don't sulk in your room all night. Instead, happily accept a big bowl of her soup.


Pay homage to your harvest by chopping vegetables with your housemates. The stir fry you're going to make will be amazing with an bounty of colors to brighten the bleakest day: bright orange carrots, beets of pink and gold, dark green kale and an array of citrus for dessert.

Get even more insights for the month ahead with your premium Monthly Horoscope.


Put on your apron and some rocking tunes in the kitchen and prepare to have a ball preparing a four-course meal for your household. You're singing along and telling spirited anecdotes whoever will listen. Ride the wave of high-spirited, positive energy.


It may be raining outside and you'd planned on finally tying up some loose ends in your garden, but this doesn't mean your day has to be ruined. You could fall prey to sliding into a negative mood if things don't go your way -- remind yourself that it's your choice how you respond and make a positive decision to work on your quilt instead.


Take a child on a romp through the woods, searching for elves, fairies and mossy branches for wreaths and centerpieces. Feel the restorative powers of the brisk, fresh air and relish in the sights of the season. Stop and listen for the sounds -- rustling animals, crackling leaves and wind through the trees.


You'll find yourself fashioning little painted labels for your spices or making a pattern for a knitted phone cozy. Your creativity is drawn toward making utilitarian objects beautiful and personalized. Even a note to your neighbor becomes a work of art.


You thrive in a stable environment. Knowing that your pantry is stocked with canned fruits and vegetables from seasons past gives you a great sense of warmth and security. Add a bunch of fresh basil from your indoor herb garden to some preserved tomatoes for an Italian dish for any season.


You might find yourself doing the electric slide through your living room -- you're positively surging with energy and light today. Your spirits are high, and you have the urge to turn your home into a vision of cleanliness. You'll fly through your weekly chores in no time today.


The fog has rolled in around you, creating that cozy feeling but leaving you a little hazy as well. You may feel absentminded. Clean all of your windows and mirrors, and when the haze clears a bit, you'll see things more clearly.

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