Your Daily HomeScope for July 06, 2022

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


Employ some of your more opportunistic characteristics today. Are neighbors moving away? Perhaps they don't want to take all of their furniture with them. Is a friend renting a truck this weekend? Because you have been planning on taking the old sofa to the dump. Make the most out of all opportunities.


As much as you love living in your neighborhood, you may occasionally long for other places. Whether you take a trip to a warmer locale or a cooler one, take a trip to a totally different place and feel refreshed by the change of pace.


The sky may not be clear for days, but don't let that get in the way of your productivity. These stormy days are the perfect time to catch up on crafting projects, try out new recipes, and talk for hours with family and friends.


The mess you will find in the kitchen tonight is beyond your standard mess -- it's extreme. Sauce is all over the stove and on the walls, and an incident with a blender leaves flecks of color on your cabinets. Take extreme measures to ensure that this mess is nothing more than a bad dream tomorrow.


Pay attention to what your friends say -- you may have an opportunity to help with something they need. Whether a friend is looking for a particular antique, or a very rare spice, you will stumble upon what they need this week. You will be able to buy it for them with confidence.

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With all of the heavy, rich foods you're tempted by, you may now be craving simple, warm and wholesome foods. Cook brown rice with plenty of seasonable vegetables -- a little garlic, salt, and olive oil will bring the dish to life. Feed yourself well this week.


Something feels a bit weird today. You might have the sensation that the milk is just about to turn, or a branch in the yard is ready to snap at any moment. Move cautiously throughout your day and identify what's making you feel off.


You wouldn't just let you dishes sit unwashed for weeks at a time. So why would you allow weeks to pass without exercising your body? Give your body as much priority as you give to beautifying your home. It will add energy and vigor to everything else in your life.


You are used to lavishing yourself with the finest items and the purest of materials, but this week you may need to penny pinch. Don't eat canned green beans instead of fresh green beans, but try to steer clear of expensive candy bars or name-brand gourmet items.


Whatever it is that you commit yourself to tonight, you will not get bored. Once you start crocheting a hat, you'll stay up until it's done. And the cake you spontaneously baked this afternoon will be meticulously frosted (and devoured) by the end of the night.


You will enjoy the most delicious fatigue at the end of the day after completing an ongoing project. Keep going until it is finished -- if you quit the project before it's done, you will likely obsess about it until morning. But if you finish before bed, you'll have satisfying, restful sleep.


Don't just plan a gathering -- plan several gatherings throughout the coming months and get those dates on your friends' schedules. Your gang is fabulous fun and can make the most of any setting, weather, or theme. Lure your loved ones with comforting foods and fine conversation.

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