Your Daily HomeScope for January 30, 2022

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


Why are you hanging on to that television that you got eight years ago? The old clunker with the big green spot in the corner? Get yourself down to the electronics store -- it's your favorite TV night and this is getting ridiculous.


The good news is that you found the contractor to redo your roof. The bad news is you have to read through a stack of paperwork. Though you're itching to get started, sit down and read the fine print before signing on the dotted line.


The Sun will be brilliant, whether it's shining in the sky or just beaming from your smile. If you had plans to do something responsible, cancel them -- you need to turn up the stereo and spend some serious time in a lawn chair.


Houseplants are temperamental little things. They want to be adored, coddled, fed and turned every once in a while. Get out a soapy rag and give that banana tree a wipe down -- you'll be amazed at how its leaves will sparkle.


Do you ever get the feeling that you are doing more work than your housemates? A division of labor will need to be made. Perhaps you do the laundry and they do the dishes, but some defining line will need to be made.

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It's okay to admit it -- your plants feel a bit like your children. You watch them go from little sprouts into climbing vines of jasmine. Take pleasure in this process of life and the role you have played in cultivating it.


It's time to start thinking about a big overhaul, be it re-roofing, painting the house or dealing with the foundation. Remember to conserve what you can of your home's original integrity as you make these important improvements.


As you pass through the living room today, you may notice a coating of dust that has settled on your favorite ficus. That's why it hasn't looked happy recently! Fifteen minutes with a mister and a rag will add fifteen years to its life.


You may find that you feel anxious today. Rather than fretting over something you can't control, keep your mind and your hands busy. If you've been meaning to alphabetize your record collection, this would be the time to do it.


What is going on in the fridge? It's time to dive in to the scary corners of your icebox and identify what is causing that horrible smell. Until then, you'll most likely be inclined to keep that door shut and dine out.


An impending gathering will have you cooking up a storm on tonight. Your sense of adventure (and abhorrence for the mundane) will get you experimenting -- what would basil and chocolate taste like together?


Plans will just have to wait -- you've suddenly got way too much going on. Friends will understand if you can't meet for lunch, but your electrician won't be so forgiving if you're not back at the house by noon.

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