Your Daily HomeScope for January 23, 2023

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


The bounty of produce is at your fingertips. Celebrate this luscious season with a buffet of veggie-inspired dishes at your next gathering. A spicy curry will be a hit when paired with a light, grilled fish. Go for blueberry and raspberry tarts to top things off.


Your housemates will easily agree to help you put the second coat of paint on the fence today. Sand and recoat bumpy spots where leaves have attached to the paint or where you missed sanding the first time. Keep your energy focused on finishing projects you've already started and put your motivational powers to work.


'Striking a balance' should be your motto today. You have so many bubbling pots on the stove, you've hardly got time to check your voicemail messages and open the mail. Make sure you're taking time to enjoy yourself, and devote your attention to following things through to the end. Make certain your azaleas are in a cool spot, even indoors.


Surprise your housemates with a homemade quiche full of tomatoes, fresh herbs and onions. Your fancy Italian cookbook will help you make the most of the gorgeous summer veggies from your garden and give your household a special treat.


There's no right or wrong to the question you're pondering. Take your time to consider decisions you'll live with for a long time. Don't take the plunge if you're feeling unsure -- it's not worth the hassle of redoing those costly, rash choices. If you don't like the solid peach colored accent wall in your living room, soften it with a faux marble finish.

Need guidance? Your Numerology Reading is a mystic cheat-sheet to living your full potential.


You may find yourself lingering longer than usual in the travel magazines, floating in the turquoise waters and feeling the white sand between your toes. Perhaps booking a trip will help you to focus on the tasks at hand? Having something to look forward to will do you all the good in the world. Tear out a picture of where you want to go and hang it on your bathroom mirror as an intention.


Roll up your sleeves and prepare to dive in deeply today -- whether your fishing out the ring that's fallen into the drain or retrieving the frozen steaks from the back of the freezer, the hunt is on, and it will take a bit of work to find what you're looking for.


Find a way to spell out exactly how you feel today. Turn to the magnetic poetry on your refrigerator, or get out a set of alphabet stamps to decorate a card. Use language and art to express your sentiments, especially on the cusp of great change.


Your dreams will tell you a lot about your future this week. While they're not necessarily psychic, they will reveal your hopes and desires. Pay attention to details that seem to revolve around springtime -- this will be your dream garden or a glimpse of your renovated kitchen.


With extra time on your hand, take an especially close look at details today. Just when you think the stove is clean, you may notice a sauce splatter on the range, or after carpeting you'll notice that the baseboards are dusty. Your meticulous nature will not be annoying today -- in fact it will be quite satisfying.


On a quiet afternoon for absolutely no reason at all, teach a willing audience a new trick. You will be especially good with children today -- perhaps it's time that a few neighborhood kids learned how to bake a cake? Your followers will be ready and willing to learn.


As much as you love the retro feel of your new shag rug, the trail of fuzz that it leaves behind makes you understand why it went out of style the first time around. Before you get used to vacuuming your socks, toss the thing out and go back to the drawing board.

What do the planets say about your love life? Receive cosmic advice with your Daily Love Horoscope.