Your Daily HomeScope for January 21, 2023

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


A spontaneous blackberry incident may ruin your t-shirt (which you will use as a basket to carry the fruit), but boy oh boy will the payoff be rewarding. There is a juicy cobbler in your future -- and to think that earlier you had thought that you would order in and go to bed earlier without dessert.


Even if it takes you all week to find just the right item, don't rush out and make purchases. You've looked forward to replacing your dinnerware for years, so the next set of dishes must be absolutely you. Don't settle for anything that doesn't have your name written on it. Check with local potters to see what unique place settings they have made.


Though you may think that the pine tree in your yard is just fine as is -- big and brimming with branches and needles -- your friends and neighbors have advised that it should probably be pruned. This time, listen to those around you, especially if they are a bit older than you.


When your housemates make fun of you for some particularly frilly skirt you've been working on, don't react emotionally. Use your quick wit to point out how little they have been creating. And best of all, find a way so that you can laugh along with them -- it's always best to be in on the joke, especially if it's about you. They'll be surprised to see you square dance.


You have always made pesto the same old way, but an afternoon spent with a friend's herb garden may change everything you know. Experiment with classic favorites and reconsider your idea of what it means to have the best version. Add pine nuts to subtly influence the flavor of the sauce.

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Sometimes you get the feeling that your truest sense of purpose is to tend to the garden. There is nothing else at which you excel so much or take such pleasure in initiating. When there is dirt under your nails, all is right with the world. This is a good day to check the pH balance and make appropriate adjustments.


The garden isn't so much about the garden as it is about something that you do with your housemate. Sure, the flowers and the produce that grow are lovely and delicious, but nothing is sweeter than the bond that you and your housemate share. Eat fruits from one another's fingers this evening.


Like a toddler who falls and only thinks he's hurt, whatever malady you experience today is mostly in your head. Whether you stub your toe while watering the plants or burn your fingertip in the kitchen, it's not quite as bad as you think it is. Use lavender essential oil to cool that small burn.


Cleaning and scrubbing have never been so fun. As long as you're in the sun, with friends, and you have some tunes playing, it doesn't matter that you're doing chores. Find creative ways to get through annoying tasks today.


Your family and career seem to be occupying opposite sides of your mind this week, which is not exactly a bad thing. Sometimes it's good to leave work at work, and reserve home as a sanctuary where you can forget about the stresses of the day. If you put your briefcase in the same location each night you will gain extra minutes in the morning.


The assignment in your beginner's design class was simply to pinpoint your favorite shapes, but you've taken it a step further and started sketching. While it's great to get excited, make sure not to skip steps -- you may be missing valuable information while your head is down. A charcoal pencil gives you freedom to make thin and thick lines.


You never thought you would be the kind of person who cared about how absorbent your paper towels are, but after a few too many spills this month, those factors couldn't be more important. There are paper towels that let you tear off a size to meet your needs. Quality will be far more important than quantity in the near future.

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