Your Daily HomeScope for January 19, 2023

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


Your neighbors went to such great extents to welcome you to the neighborhood -- what can you do to pay them back? Instead of bringing them a gift, invite them over for dinner so they can see how the house is shaping up. The pleasure of cold sour cherry soup served in pre-chilled bowls will help forge a friendship with people that you sense will be good, lifelong friends.


When a friend or neighbor suffers a loss, you understand exactly how they are feeling. Let them know you are there for them with a meaningful, handmade gift. Whether you bake up a comforting loaf of bread or handwrite a caring letter, your message will surely shine through. Wrap the bread in a fresh new tea towel and include a jar of unusual preserves for fun.


Every now and then something you wholeheartedly trust, such as a cookbook or a TV chef, will be wrong. Living at a higher altitude usually means that cookies take a tad longer to bake, pasta longer to cook and cakes and brownies require a little extra flour. When errors creep up in your life, try not to get too frustrated. Experiment with solutions that work in your won kitchen.


Don't take on any super-complicated tasks today -- you're mind is sure to wander, and there's no getting around it. Create simple jobs around the house for yourself. Match socks with the open end together then flip one end over to hold them together in the drawer.


After walking a neighbor through the basics of using drywall screws to hang pictures and shelves, she may actually offer to pay you with dollars and cents. Deny any money for your teaching efforts this week. That kind of work can only be repaid with smiles and handshakes.

Is your job fulfilling? Stay aligned with your Personalized Career Horoscope!


Stick to simple recipes tonight -- this is no evening to crack open the French cookbook or experiment with the spices of India. Instructions won't be easy for you to understand, and your patience may be running thin. Go with something for which you know you won't fail like baby shrimp tossed in a salad of butter lettuce and lemon vinegar dressing.


You have an idea in your head for a frilly quilt that you would like to make for your newly pregnant neighbor. Before you do that, you really need to wrap up your own crochet curtain project that has been creeping along since last year. This is one situation when it really is okay to take your time.


How long can life go on as all work and no play? Not much longer, that's for sure. Bring games back into your household and make full use of the lawn in your yard. Croquet was a sport of royalty. Wear funny hats and pretend. Even if you have to go to work tomorrow, your activities today will recharge your batteries.


In the nature that surrounds you, you will surely find the most delicious metaphors. How does a ripening tomato relate to your home life? And is a pretty flower really just a pretty flower? Lead your family in conversation about the seeds of kindness, the leaves as pages of life and red for love and passion. Just what are your teens passionate about these days? Ask!


When neighbors gush their thanks to you for helping them with a garage sale, you'll want to wave them off. What they consider a chore, you actually find fun! Sitting in a lawn chair, organizing someone else's junk is a great way to spend the day. Go through your gadget drawer when you get home and discard old batteries and useless pens.


Try to resist purchasing a 10-person tent for the backyard (great as a guest room!) or buying that vintage Airstream camper you've had your eye on. It's better to conserve your finances for today and go on practical errands than those that tickle your fancy. You can put your air mattress in the back of the truck, drive to the county overnight and look up at the stars without all the gear.


You have the gift of insight today. Perhaps you will be able to see the problem of a friend from an original angle or you will be able to know intuitively exactly how the fichus tree in your living room needs to be cared for to thrive -- cover the pot with aluminum foil so the cat leaves it alone.

Do your stars align? Find out your Compatibility Score and reveal the truth!