Your Daily HomeScope for January 17, 2023

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


You will wake up this morning dreading the job that lies ahead. When others volunteer their help, things will start looking up. You will be more of a leader today than a worker bee. Work out the various sorting piles and make sure that everyone has plenty of good food for lunch.


Like a land rush of the old west, you and your housemate may be feuding over the property lines of your vegetable patches and flower beds. Try to put the power struggle aside for a moment. With the garden in full bloom, you should be appreciating how much you have done together, not separately. Scout out a new plot but decide together whether it is for purple potatoes or frilly dahlias.


You thought you would never go for a yellow bathroom, but after your housemate went after her dream with a full court press, you changed your mind. Now that you have allowed yourself to be swayed, present her with a yellow rubber duckie for the tub and pretty paper guest towels for the basin.


You absolutely can't stand key lime pie, but if that's what your housemate wants for her birthday dessert, so be it. If you don't live in Florida, you can order authentic key limes online. Learn to be flexible -- even if it means making food that you don't especially want for yourself. Those around you will be doubly appreciative of the effort you give the extra mile.


When you pull out the beaters to make a cake, those around you may have to stifle a giggle when they see they are from the 1960s, have gaudy orange flowers, and require duct tape to keep going. It may be time to upgrade a few of the dear, yet dysfunctional, items in your house. The variety of speeds and dual bowls of a professional grade mixer would whip up the creamiest ever cheesecake.

Find out what the cards have in store for you with your 2022 Tarot Reading.


Normally you knit your sweaters in pieces then sew them all up together at the end. But after hearing a friend talk about a new technique, you know you're ready to try something different. Try a pattern that is worked in one piece, so when you're done you can toss it over your head and be done with it!


Your five-year-old loves to climb like your cucumber vines. Cope with skimpy space in her bedroom by installing a bunk bed with a desk beneath to do homework and art projects. She'll happily climb the ladder to sleep.


When your housemate gets home from work, you'll think that she'll be thrilled to find a new pool table in the den. Funny enough, she'd prefer to leave the gaming at the bar and keep the den as an office. Before you return the table discuss putting it in the space in the garage where you park your car. That way you both get what you want.


You've lived next door to this person for years, but just this week you'll strike up a conversation as you work on the front yard and she walks her dog. You'll clearly have something in common and before you know it, you'll be inviting this future friend inside for lemonade. Be prepared as well with homemade peanut butter cookies cut in the shape of a bone for her pooch.


Though it hasn't rained for days, on the eve of your big outdoor event, you may experience a deluge -- not enough to ruin the event, but enough to make you have to rush around to fix up the tables indoors. Try to stay calm, even in the face of garden-party adversity. Your friends came to party with you, the garden was just a bonus. Break out the hand towels so folks can dry off, not drip.


When you return from the farmer's market today, you may spend an hour simply arranging the fruit in a heart basket on the kitchen table. Aesthetics will be important to you today. Turn your houseplants to their most flattering position and admire their glossy, green leaves. Trim them back so it doesn't get too viney.


Focus is not coming easily today. Whether you are distracted by stress or by the crickets chirping outside, the best thing you can do for yourself is allow a break now and then. If concentration isn't coming easily, don't force the issue -- take a walk until you're ready to refocus. Light candles with pleasing scents upstairs and down to reorient your mood.

Get even more insights for the month ahead with your premium Monthly Horoscope.