Your Daily HomeScope for February 25, 2023

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


You and your partner can't stop arguing over who is the salt and who is the pepper in this relationship. Does it really matter? Tell them to relax in the living room while you cook dinner and don't say a word (try!) when your partner adds salt before even tasting your dish. Try cooking without salt to lower both your sodium intakes.


Empty out your briefcase, pick it up and whack it a couple of times to release the crumbs and wadded-up gum wrappers. Whether from the sale or your boat or the lease for the plot next door, your crisp, fresh legal documents will need some reliable and respectable form of transportation.


Go ahead and splurge on new sheets for your bed, and don't stand there and contemplate the thread count in terms of individual worth. 300-thread count Egyptian cotton can feel remarkably like silk. If you're considering whether to have a cup of coffee or take a nap, go for the nap. Spend a little on yourself, whether that means time, money or energy.


You're so carried away in your own thoughts as you drag the hose around the garden that you could be in danger of causing a flood. Make sure you pay attention as you stick to even menial tasks. There are clearly clouds in your eyes -- don't operate machinery heavier than the hose. Leave the tiller with its sharp blades hung on its wall bracket one more day.


You get home, start cooking dinner, feed the cat, sweep the floor, and check the moisture of your houseplants' soil with a press of the finger. Your normal routine doesn't seem boring at all today; you couldn't be happier going about your business while your mind ponders your many curiosities. A damp mop will catch the extra bits of dust and really make the floor shine.

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It won't take much to get your neighbor to lend you their trampoline for the cookout this weekend for your child's birthday party. All you had to do was ask. Turn on the charm and give a basket of fresh tomatoes the color of your neighbor's new convertible in return for the loan.


It's no problem to build a wall in your house, go running and come home in time to make spring rolls for the whole household, meanwhile scheduling appointments, returning phone calls and, remembering someone's birthday next week. It's an easy feat to juggle all the many facets of your life today because you have a list and find joy in crossing out the done items.


A woman is walking down the street with the most gorgeous embroidered shirt you've ever seen and you run home to make a sketch. If you keep a sketch book in your purse or vehicle, you will be ready for these inspirational bursts. Perhaps you'll be rummaging around in the attic and stumble across an emblem on an old book that could be the stencil design you've been searching for.


You are the ultimate host as you offer exotic fruit cocktails and watermelon-honeydew-cantaloupe skewers. Set up a couple of strings of electric lanterns hanging in the trees in your yard, put on some swinging music and create a little action in your yard tonight.


Are you inclined to make a sweet-and-sour soup? Black-and-white movies are right up your alley. Not only are you at your height for appreciating and even creating balance in your life, you have the ability to love the balance of extremes. Keep your eye out for scintillating inspiration. It may come as one of the primary colors.


It's time to think ahead and contemplate what you can do in your garden. Envision fall harvest feasts and it will all become very clear. Make sure you have all of your winter cauliflower, carrot, beets, radishes and spinach starters or seeds in the ground.


Show your kindness by surprising a friend who's a little down with a basket of fresh vegetables from your garden. It's amazing what a gift of wholesome food can do for the spirits. Think about whom in your life needs such a soothing remedy.

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