Your Daily HomeScope for February 15, 2023

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


No matter how many cakes you bake or how hard you scrub the sink, your partner will be in rotten mood. Steer clear, and don't try to fix or improve the mood. They'll work it out eventually, despite your best efforts. Be there to listen or celebrate when the mood does lift.


You may think that you can handle clearing out the weeds in the garden alone, but you forgot about the mulch in the side yard and hadn't even considered hauling it all to the curb. Don't go it alone. This is a two (or three or four) person job, and a solo mission would just leave you unbearably grouchy with aches and pains.


Though the water fight you had last weekend was a total blast, the watermarks on the windows left by the rampant hose are not quite as amusing. Get out your bucket and wipe the windows down. Just try not to get in another water fight while you're cleaning up from the last one. Using a bucket usually helps to conserve water.


Immerse yourself in the least detail-oriented activity possible today. Slide into the pool for an extended dip, or lie in a patio chair and skim the pages of the comics in the newspaper. Allow your mind to unwind. Don't worry -- you'll be back to your usual busy self tomorrow. Always be safe and lock the pool gate.


Be enchanted by the simplicity of a hummingbird today, or let your eyes be amazed by the display of lights reflected in the yard at dusk. Take joy in the world around you, and find something special in even the most ordinary objects. Let your mind return to its youthful innocence. Take a photo of a breathtaking moment you enjoyed and put it on your computer as a screensaver.

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You had some major plans for the day -- grocery shopping, mowing the lawn, and moving the old easy chair out to the curb. But in this heat, all you have the energy for is slicing the lemon to go in your diet cola. Don't fight your lack of motivation -- let the heat win out this time. Invite your housemates to slice pieces of citrus for themselves and join you.


Sleep in as late as you can today and be sure to spend time lounging, and even doing low impact stretches on the living room rug. Your spine will feel elongated and your mind refreshed. It would be in your best interest to stay as horizontal as possible.


You have many talents that your loved ones know about, and others that are not so well known. Find excuses to show off a bit. You know for a fact that no one else can get their pancakes so perfectly browned on both sides because you wait for the skillet to get warm first and the batter to bubble -- let those around you be amazed by your handiwork.


Your inspiration came from one small thing -- the design circling a handmade plate, or an extravagant tile from another country. From there you're off re-designing your living room. Manifest this dream, taking it from a tiny vision to the real deal. Add to the decor, books about the country or time of your inspirational source.


Your massive baking project has turned your kitchen into a missile-testing site, but today you will begin to see the fruits of your labor. Your housemates won't be giggling any more when they see the racks of cookies and tins of fudge. If they're nice, they may even get to try one.


If each member of your house had to buy his or her own living room set, you'd all be sitting in bean bag chairs. But if you all put your funds together, you can enjoy something truly beautiful and heirloom-worthy. Join your assets and receive the best quality that money can buy.


You've never really liked the responsibility of being a leader. Today, take a break from your usual directorial role today and enjoy being an assistant. Just knowing that you are contributing your strong hands to the greater good of your housemate's project will give you ample satisfaction. Wear gloves to preserve your manicure.

Find out what the cards have in store for you with your 2022 Tarot Reading.