Your Daily HomeScope for February 13, 2022

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


You may have an embarrassing moment as you do something unintentionally insensitive. So you served meat to a person you didn't know was vegetarian? Gracefully whisk the plate away and see what's kicking around in the fridge.


A nervous energy discombobulates your day. Don't be surprised if you find yourself absent-mindedly picking dead leaves off of the houseplants, or folding and re-folding dishtowels. A talk with a friend will help you regain focus.


It's becoming abundantly clear that preaching is not helping to get your housemate to stop bad habits. Find a new way to express your opinions. Reinforce good behavior with an apple pie, perhaps?


You like your neighbor just fine, but you could use a bit of privacy, something to keep your party intimate when you barbecue with close friends.


Though it's not that cold yet, you're anxiously anticipating the impending winter months. Build your first fire of the year and doze off in front of the fireplace on your favorite sofa.

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You were so excited when you bought the iron bench for the garden last year, but you hardly ever use it. Let a particularly lovely sunset remind you to sit down and watch the sky a while.


You're beginning to feel a bit of impending holiday stress. If you're going to make that homemade four course dinner, take advantage of a slow moment tonight and get cracking on the menu!


Though you may be tired, sometimes it's worth staying up all night to go through a long-lost box of treasures. Be they old family photos, or letters from a high-school sweetheart, allow yourself to get caught up in the moment.


A sudden shift in weather has a big impact on your mood. Whether you get excited from a brisk wind, or blue with a downpour of rain, let your emotions travel to wherever they need to be.


Your mind and body are moving at a brisk pace today. If you've got the energy, keep the ball rolling. The faster you can get through that heap of laundry, the sooner you can move on to something more fun!


Have you ever asked your neighbors about their favorite plant fertilizer, their most beloved plant nursery, or their dream flower garden? Ask questions today and do some exploring of your own.


Don't let your excitement ruin the secret as you bake a triple-decker chocolate cake for your housemate's surprise party. Just another day to go, and then you can share in the revelry -- and butter-cream frosting!

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