Your Daily HomeScope for February 06, 2022

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


A gathering gives you a boost of confidence, making you feel like you have nothing to hide. A good conversation could prompt you to show off your latest work of art.


Though you love your friends, you're tired of hosting the party every week. Make a graceful suggestion to rotate houses, and then they'll have their fair share of dirty dishes to deal with.


A wave of super-human concentration has come over you -- just the right mindset to make a perfect souffle. Turn off your phone and be sure to close the oven door gently. Peace and quiet are the most important ingredients.


A tiring phase has kept you indoors so much you might feel closer to your plants than you are with your friends. Make impromptu plans and get out of the nest for a bit.


You have a desire to act out, be silly and share a cozy room with friends. Playing a game that requires embarrassing pantomimes and on-the-spot singing will surely fit your mood.

What do the planets say about your love life? Receive cosmic advice with your Daily Love Horoscope.


During a visit to a friend's house, you realize your house is full of knick-knacks while theirs is all expansive walls with a tasteful picture. Bring some new energy to your home decor.


A new item for you home will have you grinning ear-to-ear. Invite a good friend over and show off! They'll be charmed.


Nothing sounds particularly fun at the moment. You're exhausted and a little talked out. Fake a cold and stay in. Movies, popcorn and a soothing night home fit your mood.


You thought you'd have enough time to prepare for the party, but all of a sudden it's 7 p.m. and you haven't even showered. Take care of yourself first -- the appetizers will just have to wait.


Go outside of your usual realm and get a dose of culture. Don't be surprised when you consider buying that piece of art you fall in love with at the opening.


You may find yourself connecting with someone you wouldn't have expected. If it weren't for your housemate's impromptu cocktail party, you might never have met this pleasant stranger.


You weren't going to say anything, but a favor you did for your housemate months ago went unpaid. Ask for help if you need it. Your friends and family secretly hope for moments when they can assist you.

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