Your Daily HomeScope for February 05, 2022

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


Laying down the brick patio is taking a little longer than you had expected. Pat yourself on the back for wanting the job done right. As you crouch in the dirt, find Zen in the symmetry of the lines.


Why does it take four weeks to deliver a sofa? Some things in life you can't control. Try to forget you're waiting for something to happen, and when it does, let it be a surprise.


Though you might be spooked by that black spider crawling up your bedroom wall, you've got to be the one to deal with it. Don't hesitate -- you'd be even more frightened if it hid in your bed, right?


Your favorite TV show is starting but you realize you don't even know how to use the remote. Stop relying on your housemates and learn how to do things yourself.


You're standing in the kitchen-supplies section at a store, staring at a bread machine. Sure, it's a big, clunky, expensive device but if you've wanted it long enough, trust that it won't go unused.

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You bring your recycling containers to the curb with pride, but don't see the blue cans in front of your neighbors' houses. Call a meeting and inspire your block to do something good for the planet.


Though it seemed like a good idea to paint the entire house yourself, you may be feeling a little over your head. Climb down off the ladder and call a professional.


It's not your time to clean the bathroom, but the sink is grossing you out. Your housemate may be under a lot of stress, so don't nag. Clean the bathroom as a favor -- earn that good karma!


Be honest with your housemate about a habit that's bugging you. Better to get it out into the open -- you'll feel much better.


Your African violet was flowering so beautifully when you bought it at the nursery, but since that first batch of blooms, nothing. Call an expert and come to your plant's rescue!


You don't want to wait until it's raining to varnish the patio furniture. Think prevention. It will be a lot easier to keep the water off of the chairs now than to get the water out of them later.


What could be eating your veggies at night? Based on the damage, the culprits seem bigger than the typical thieves. An evening focused on the problem will help illuminate any situation.

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