Your Daily HomeScope for December 30, 2022

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


Move your easy chair out to the porch since that's where you'll be spending most of your foreseeable future. You can use the dining room table to starts and see a craft project through to completion if you plan your menu to barbeque dinners and eat breakfast on the patio, too.


It's been a fantasy of yours to come home from work someday and find a clean house. This week might be your lucky week as a housemate is acting delightfully out of character. Don't assume he's done something wrong -- just accept the nice gesture. If you discover a checkbook entry for a maid service later on, decide if it is in your budget to hire them once in a while.


The flowers mixed in between vegetable rows reflect your dual nature. Planting a diversity of vegetables helps attract useful garden predators such as ladybird beetles, dragonflies and garden spiders.


In your household, there are many in-jokes. The tacky cuckoo clock that stays in the family, or the lumpy mashed potatoes that no one ever complains about (secretly they like the recipe made that way.) Take a moment to appreciate what it feels like to be 'in' with a fabulous group. The time is right to nab your aunt's garden gnome and send funny ransom notes for its return.


Make plans with friends and force them to stick to it even if they feel like flaking. Getting money in advance for a vacation rental houseboat on the lake will ensure that everyone who says they will go will actually show up.

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Try not to rip out the root systems of the outdoor plants today. You're feeling strong and capable, and your hands and mind are moving quickly -- this will either benefit the day greatly or cause a slight mishap. Gently loosen the roots from the soil if you are repotting plants.


You may find yourself spending more time indoors and your computer than out in the garden. Jot down your feelings about the apex of the seasons -- you are going through an important change right now. A rice bag that you microwave for heat is available at craft show booths this time of year.


Before you hire the contractor who will do the ultimate upgrade in your bathroom, collect some information. Did you get recommendations? Or ever hear anything from happy customers? When he says three weeks, does that really mean six months? Get the facts before you commit.


Even though the day may have sapped your energy, it's best if you keep busy doing small but important tasks. Spend an hour shelling green beans, or slowly slice strawberries. Keep your mind occupied all day and you'll sleep effortlessly tonight.


The birds that have made a home of your yard will have you entranced this week. As though they are your own family, you will feed them, protect them, and let them move into your yard as long as they wish to stay. Watch from a distance with swelling pride. Leave room in hanging geranium pots for finches to nest and lay little green eggs.


What do you feel like grilling today? How about a little bit of everything? Get out the skewers and prepare a mixed grill. Get the whole house involved, chopping vegetables and making their very own personalized mix of veggies, meats and even pineapple and mango chunks.


Normal speech will fail you today. While you may not be able to express your love of the garden in your own words, you can always turn to the words of the classics. Read Keats and Wordsworth, letting their poetry alter your appreciation and say all that you have wanted to say about the garden. Sit with your children and make up a poem about the blooming peonies.

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