Your Daily HomeScope for December 28, 2021

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


Pick up the paper, choose a concert or play and go tonight. Don't just sit around and consider doing it -- make the plan. You can find a friend or two who will join you on a spontaneous cultural mission. You are channeling the glorious spirit of impulsiveness and all the enthusiasm you can carry.


It feels against your nature to rush ahead on projects as your housemate would like. You'd like some time to mull things over, develop ideas, pare it down and flesh it out. It will be a challenge to keep up with another's pace and you have to be careful that it doesn't seem like a lack of enthusiasm on your part.


If no one's going to get the craft fair off the ground you're going to have to do it yourself. It's hard for you to understand why so many people agree to participate in something, but fail to step up when a bit of elbow grease and leadership is required.


Remember to censor your true feelings to avoid hurting other's feelings. 'What?' you say. 'I don't need to be reminded of that.' But today is one of those days when you would tend to tell your roommate what you really think of the oil painting she labored over for weeks.


You'd manage to have a great time today even if you were stuck on the freeway with a flat tire as long as you had someone to laugh with. Put yourself in situations where you can be with people who can naturally get on with your easy going and comical way of looking at life.

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It's not that you want to wrestle your housemate down to the ground, but you are feeling a tad bit combative on the verbal front. You could step back and ask, 'Did I just say that?' and wonder where this little thorn in your mood is coming from. You can serve up a good dish of debate.


Your ambition may be matched by another's thus creating the potential to accomplish great feats. It's not too late to build a greenhouse, especially if you're up on your garden tasks for the month. Extending the porch before the end of next month? You two will be dining on your deck in no time.


Why not keep to yourself rather than get involved in an argument? When a neighbor intimated that you put more than your share of garbage on the curb, you want to tell him a thing or two. Cool your jets and avoid conflict before things get ugly.


You are charging through your garden to-do list with speed and determination. But it's not all work and no play for you today as you find yourself more like a wood-nymph at times, bending to smell the flowers and take a branch gently in your hand.


We can sometimes get away from what is growing naturally when we isolate ourselves in our personal gardens. A brisk hike will be good for your body and great for your soul. Get out into the woods or meadow to see what Mother Nature has to offer.


There are so many projects you want to sink your teeth into -- brainstorm and make lists to get all of your ideas out in front of you. Don't worry; you'll get to most of these eventually. Prioritizing will help you get started and you can apply your energy to actually working on it.


You might as well put headphones while you're tidying up or mowing the lawn because you're unlikely to hear anyone anyway. You tend to fall into the outer reaches of your dream world today. Feeling comfortable in your absorption is all a part of your charm.

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