Your Daily HomeScope for December 26, 2022

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


You wake up today feeling recharged and ready to take on the challenge of cleaning our your garden shed. Screw a pegboard to one wall as a place to hang garden tools.


Don't rush out and buy reams and reams of the first fabric that catches your fancy. Altering the window treatments of your home should be given very careful thought and consideration. A ruffled, double face style might work well in the kitchen but long flowing poufs might look better in the living room.


You and your neighbors have casually talked about creating a community gardeners' forum for sharing ideas and experiences, but it has only been an idea. You have the necessary initiative today to take a group project by the reins and into the realm of reality. Offer to host the planning meeting in your garden.


Today is an excellent day to balance your checkbook and go through your statements with a fine-toothed comb. You've got a quick mind that will help you do calculations in your head. Architectural designs for a greenhouse or workroom are also perfect projects for your mood.


If you have your heart set on staying in tonight and cooking, don't be surprised if an old friend shows up out of the blue and invites you to join her out for wine and cheese. Someone will arrive to change your mind today and you'll show little resistance. Make note of the new beverage you drink so you can serve it at home.

What do the planets say about your love life? Receive cosmic advice with your Daily Love Horoscope.


When you run out of cat food or toilet paper, you may find yourself regretting the loans you made last week. Try to resist the tendency to give when you haven't actually saved enough for yourself. Remind yourself to think for a second of what you might need in the near future.


If you really want to save the last piece of your pie for yourself, put it in a container with your name on it. Since you have treated your housemates with respect, they will treat your treat the same way.


Your day is laid out before you like a well-thought out itinerary, but lo and behold, you will somehow find room for more. You'll have time to show for new curtain tiebacks to add a splash of color to your otherwise white room.


You love these kinds of days when you have the energy and stamina to work all day on your projects. If you are going to arrange your vast music collection by genre order or your bookshelf by author, today is the day. Dust as you go.


Today isn't a good day to change your schedule in the garden or the kitchen. If you usually eat three meals a day, don't go crazy and opt for a second and last meal in the early evening, or you'll throw yourself all out of whack. Stick to what is stable, familiar, and comfortable as you make your way through your day. Step on the scale to remind yourself how far you have come.


Pay special attention to your herb garden today. Is it time to move some of your indoor pots outside? Nope. Your use of herbs will also increase soon. Keep sowing seeds so you can continue to add these fresh accents to your dishes!


You notice that someone has dropped off compost in your compost bin. Now while you can't exactly object, you can't help but think what a mysterious and puzzling act it is. Who is sneaking through your garden to do a good deed? Be on the lookout for intriguing enigmas.

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