Your Daily HomeScope for December 12, 2022

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


You might wake up today and feel a little edgy with negative energy running through your veins. Try to get over these feelings by starting off the day with a few simple chores in your garden. The weeds won't thank you but the carrots will. Happiness will prevail, your positive energy channels will open and a smile will stretch from ear-to-ear.


Do you remember the story of how your parents met and celebrated their wedding day? Pick up the phone and call your family members to indulge in a little nostalgia. Make notes as you listen and you will have words for a scrapbook page in the family album.


When you are bothered by little back pains or have the feeling that you're carrying around a little cold all the time, today might be good day to figure out what is at the core of all these little health problems. Notice your posture as you sit, stand, and walk. Are you stooped or straight? Remember to bend at the knees. The local herbalist may have just the treatment for sniffles.


Tired of that boring mattress on a metal frame? Transform the room you nudge your partner for snoring in with a built-in headboard. Design one in tiles that includes handy storage cubes and a book light fixture on each side.


Pull out your magnifying glass and put your investigative powers to use by examining the leaves and roots of your plants. Keep an eye out for aphids. For a mild infestation, use a soft spray of water from your garden hose. Use natural insecticide sprays prudently as these can kill good bugs as well as pesky ones.

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As you turn the keys in your ignition and drive out of your garage, you're amazed at this invention they call a 'car.' It's been how long has it been since you checked the fluids and the tire pressure? What about the wiper blades. It will be time well spent whether you have a mechanic do it or check the workings and levels yourself.


You're feeling a little generous today, so it might be time to see what little treasures from the craft market you can share with the guests that are coming. Mild, sweet smelling hand milled soaps and lotions tied with raffia are pretty in your bathroom and make great parting gifts.


You can't stop talking about how excited you are about this season. You feel reborn and your productive side wants to put you to work. Remove the hair your cat has been shedding from your favorite rocking chair cushions with circles of duct tape before you settle in and relax.


Walk barefoot in your lawn, or better yet, in some sand or soil. You feel grounded today and would prefer to stay close to the earth. Eat steamed root vegetables drizzled with lemon dill butter.


It's the perfect day to rise early and get a good start with a healthy breakfast. Prepare yourself for a long work day in the garden with whole wheat bread topped with mozzarella, tomatoes, basil and a drizzle of olive oil and balsamic. Celebrate midday with a blueberry smoothie for energy to finish your project.


Your garden is starting to show the effects of the sun, sufficient water, and all of your love and attention. Harvest some fresh garlic and grape tomatoes add to tonight's pasta salad with pine nuts and oregano.


Buying household items and appliances online can be handy and cost effective because you can shop around. Do check for cost of delivery and installation fees. It may be cheaper to have the washer and dryer delivered to the local store and take it home in your own truck. Verify warranties before you buy.

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