Your Daily HomeScope for August 27, 2022

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


It isn't the first time that you've had to clean up dirt from the kitchen floor this week, but for some reason it's really striking a nerve this time. Similarly, others' lack of motivation to follow through on projects is really rubbing you the wrong way. Your frustrations are understandable, but watch out for counter-productive aggression.


Try not to take others' words and opinions too personally -- you may be feeling a little oversensitive and moody today. Avoid confrontation over little things. 'Don't sweat the small stuff' should be your motto, and stick to projects that are straightforward and don't call for a lot of personal investment.


You have the ability to step outside of yourself today and see your own projects from another perspective. You're a little slower and more calculating than usual. Looking at your artistic and design perspectives in another light turns out to help you have a much-needed reevaluation of your priorities.


It's best to eat grounding foods today, such as whole grains and a stew of winter vegetables and legumes. Concentrate on slowly cooked and baked foods as well. Accomplishing routine tasks will also help your struggle to avoid and temper feelings of emotional intensity and upheaval.


While rummaging around for your shoes you realize that a major excavation of the hall closet is upon you. Make it a point to rid your household of at least half of the contents, and though you're saving all of your excess items for the block-wide spring yard sale, putting everything back in the closet simply won't do.

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If you open up your illustrated book on herbs, their history and their culinary and medicinal uses, you'll have found your occupation for the evening. You are intellectually curious today and could read for hours about the mysterious and wonderful properties of Echinacea, evening primrose, and sage.


You'll feel best if you convert your kitchen table into an office this evening, pull out your bills, checkbook and receipts, and get your finances together. You feel so out of sorts when you haven't balanced the books or kept up with your statements. Disregard the chaos around you and concentrate on money matters.


Your pear-and-mascarpone pastries were such a hit at the party last week, everyone wants to know the secrets to your light-and-flaky crust. Indulge your friends with a baking night at your place, dazzling them with your array of spices and fruit.


You'll get easily frustrated with yourself if you set your sights on accomplishing a great deal on your creative project today. You feel as if you're going backward on your knit sweater and you may drop one end of a whole necklace of strung beads. Go for simple, satisfying tasks.


You may have issues with your housemate and how to tell her that she needs to be more respectful around the house, or perhaps you simply cannot decide what to do about the abandoned plans to renovate the bathroom. Whatever your enigma today, call on your friends to come over and help you figure things out.


You can't figure out why, but you're moving at a snail's pace today and constantly replaying an uncomfortable conversation you had with your housemate. You're feeling deep emotions -- treat yourself to a long, hot bath with soothing and relaxing lavender oil.


The amazing recipe you've submitted to the neighborhood cookbook isn't quite as fantastic when the directions are misprinted -- make sure to do your own copy editing today and check everything twice. Same goes for signing legal documents -- you don't want any surprises to surface later on due to lack of close inspection.

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