Your Daily HomeScope for August 21, 2021

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


The new recipe you try out today may give you the instant opportunity to dine out with your family. Just as you advise your children not to cry over spilled milk, the ability to laugh off your own culinary disaster will make a funny story for years to come.


Consider your kitchen. You cook in it, eat in it and entertain in it, so make it the living room of your home. The school artwork has been hanging on the refrigerator for a month now. Have your children sit at around the kitchen island or at the table and make magnets out of craft supplies to hang on the fridge door.


You will find out how flexible your budget can be today. The installation of a stock cabinet will save you money. After all, you can paint them to match your walls and wainscoting.


Ask a lot of questions before you sign any contracts. Interview at least three professionals before making a decision -- make sure it's someone who will go the distance with you as you plan your life from this day to retirement.


You will need to be as resourceful as you are accommodating today. Lack of food won't be a problem if unexpected guests show up for dinner. Just make sure you have a reliable restaurant nearby that delivers great take-out. Now aren't you glad you kept that menu handy?

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Daydreaming is good. If you, your spouse and your children sit down and list each room and the function it serves in your current home, you will all have an idea of the house you want to buy.


Smaller equals more intimate, but remember: the preparation that goes in to a small dinner party often requires the same amount of time as a large one. Build extra time into your plans today and success is assured.


Vacation travel or a perhaps a honeymoon is not quite imminent, so curl up on a blanket in the garden with your fiance and go through travel brochures as you take in the sun.


A workplace flirtation could turn into a date to a concert in the park. Love does not know the bounds of an employee manual, but you will probably want to check your company's policy if the 'twitterpation' seems like it's becoming serious.


Your needs will be fulfilled this day. Getting up each morning and meet a friend for exercise. Whatever it is, a little physical activity will keep you both honest -- and lean, to boot.


A healthy home is a clean one. While you do not need to be obsessed with the concept, this is a good day to take the rugs outside and beat them before you vacuum. Wear a dust mask if you are prone to allergies.


It isn't that he cares about your weight, it's that you care about your weight interfering with your romantic life. If both you and your partner exercise and eat the same healthy foods, you will feel supported while losing weight. He's stood by you this far. Just ask and he will go the distance.

Looking for a better romance? Find the empowerment you need with our Karma Love Report. 💞