Your Daily HomeScope for April 25, 2023

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


Fresh mimosas are in order for your favorite, best-behaved house guests. Roll the oranges several times before juicing to extract the maximum liquid from the fruit. Don't drink? Sparkling cider's a great substitute for champagne.


It's said the time is of the essence but you really can't save an intangible. If you set your clocks ahead, then you'll feel relieved it's already done. Double check just to make sure you have the correct time. An hour off could spell disaster.


Don't get caught unawares when retired guests show up -- they have much too much time to keep their homes spotless. Search for pest-induced damage. Lamb's wool will catch spider webs better than just about anything -- safeguard your favorite fabrics.


It is possible to be a straight-up mom with a sense of humor. Gross your kids out with a childish spirit. Let them use their hands to crush whole tomatoes in to the consistency required by your recipe.


The time to get away is fast approaching. Check several different websites when booking hotels. Sometimes prices are the same; sometimes you'll find some smokin' hot deals. Spend a little extra time surfing. The extra money you save means more cash later on.

What do the planets say about your love life? Receive cosmic advice with your Daily Love Horoscope.


That spare set of keys and who knows what else could be under the seat of the car? Take time to clean out your auto's nooks and crannies. Have your machine washed, and do some basic safety checks of the vehicle.


Much has been said about going green -- in fact, you've said some of it yourself! Instead of tossing out white 8.5-by-11 paper you no longer need, cut it up to jot notes on or give it to the kids to color on. Designate a recycling bin in the house just for paper. Ask everyone to participate.


Your personality is volatile today. Avoid confrontation. You're not in the best mental state to spar and win. Prepare: coat your hands in vegetable oil to keep the fiery resins in the chili peppers from burning.


You keep saying you are tired of the office politics. If those coworkers would just shut up and do their work, you could accomplish much more. Now is the time to go to your boss and pitch the idea of telecommuting. Point out the time- and energy-saving benefits, plus increased productivity. Avoid the negative stuff.


Even when left alone, plants manage to grow in your kitchen garden. Lack of care during your vacation didn't seem to matter. Mellow garlic by removing the bitter green shoot from the clove.


Do not fret over tiny mistakes as this can often make them snowball. Be quick to apologize if you were in the wring then get on with doing your best. Your housemates will appreciate your honesty and be forgiving.


It's time for date night tonight, even if it isn't your regularly schedule evening. Each of you needs the soul time together. Maybe the neighbor whose cats you fed for a week can watch the children for 90 minutes. You have only to ask.

Get even more insights for the month ahead with your premium Monthly Horoscope.