Your Daily HomeScope for April 15, 2023

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


The jumbled color assortment of towels you've taken from the dryer may no longer suit your tastes. Do you prefer thick towels or thin? Giant-bath towels or regular-sized ones? Would it be worth the few extra dollars to go with embellished towels as a design piece in the bathroom? Please yourself.


Indulge your children's desire to help make dinner. Let them layer pudding, cookies and banana or berry slices in water goblets for a fun dessert. Be patient. Remember, they don't have the coordination or experience to go like a pro.


Don't plan heavy, long-term stuff like acquiring a new bill that will take years to pay off today. Concentrate on rearranging the budget you have. Is it possible to carpool a couple days per week and put those dollars into your vacation or gift fund? Where there is a will, there is, more often than not, a way.


You will be good with women you do not usually get along with today. Bonding at a meal is fine, but skip the alcohol to remain fully in control of your faculties and, your power to say yes or no, to ideas.


Plan before you install that new stereo system in your home. A judicious cutting of flaps in the back panel meant to hide the cords and keep out the dust will mean you can get to the connections when you need to in the future.

Get even more insights for the month ahead with your premium Monthly Horoscope.


Dive into the details. Today, when you strip the bed to wash the mattress pad, mark summer, fall, winter, spring on opposite corners of the mattress itself so you can extend the comfort of the mattress by flipping it with the seasons.


Aesthetics are important, so is time. You can save time on big painting jobs with a paint sprayer. Purchase or rent one at a hardware store. You'd love to have the extra resources for a hands-on experience, but that's just in impossibility right now.


Take time for your key relationship today. Does it require romance? Serious conversation? Will a walk, hand-in-hand, bring you closer together. Ask what he or she feels needs changing on the property you own. How can you help each other?


Quality over speed must rule the day. Sanding surfaces in preparation for a good primer will make the beauty of fresh paint last longer. And that's also sound financial sense. The fewer materials you use, the less money you'll spend.


You like things to match, but not quite. Pull a set of vintage chairs together with the same fabric on the seats. Your sense of mixing old with contemporary is fantastic -- capitalize on it.


You like new things with old looks. Fool the eye by covering wood of a deck or piece of furniture with red paint, then brushing over with green and allowing some of the red to peak through.


Your home has all the elements in its design, but it's missing one thing. A pond with bright orange fish is what you yearn to have. For longevity, line the hole with rubber roofing material which is thicker than regular pond liners.

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