Your Daily HomeScope for April 10, 2023

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


Like-minded people will grant you support and assistance with the bold-red color scheme you plan for your new, dramatic living room. Exercise a bit of caution around high-pressure salespeople. A consultation with a designer may be the key to a design you love rather than regret from caving into pressure.


Are you planning matching costumes for you and your partner to attend a benefit masquerade party? Surprise your mate by making them by hand this year!


Soaking in the hot tub gives you and your partner time to pause and pay attention to each other at the end of a hectic day. Now is a good time to discuss enclosing your sanctuary, so when the weather outside is frightful, you will turn on a bubble jet of delight.


Green means go. Knowing the light in others is one of your gifts, so when your artistic child offers to repaint the guest bathroom in a colors called sea foam and Caribbean sand, say, 'Yes. Thank you.'


Networking takes on a different meaning today as you rant over hardware and software issues. Be nice to the technician who comes to the rescue instead of acting like it's his or her fault. Be sure to write down any tips you are given for later use.

Is your job fulfilling? Stay aligned with your Personalized Career Horoscope!


Your house guests will appreciate your humor when you bring them extra towels wrapped in the shape of an elephant from instructions you found in a book. Sunglasses on the elephant's head are sure to get a laugh.


You get it out, you use it and you put it back is a good concept, the best in fact when it comes to borrowing your housemate's tools. Hang pegboard and hooks on one side of the garage to keep tools handy.


Problems with older relatives could lead to a change in living conditions. Before you move a parent to your home, do ask about their wishes while keeping in mind financial situations. Make changes gradually if possible to ease the strain on everyone's emotions.


Keep an open mind when your housemate brings home a larger dog than you expected. Bigger does not necessarily mean messier or noisier. Take time to get to know the animal by talking in soft tones and giving the canine treats and pats on the head. Your reward will be a wagging tail and unconditional love.


So what if your elaborate plans for a home makeover fell through and has left you feeling grumpy. You can still make some easy upgrades on a tighter budget and time constraints. It's not all a wash.


Name tags for the upcoming seminar do not have to be boring. Glue interesting papers to the front of sticky tags and decorate with ribbon. Also make sure the name is spelled clearly in bold letters.


You are sure to raise eyebrows today. Just to prove your kitschiness, your snow room now boasts a retro dial phone. Be careful who you tell 'the phone goes with the rubber (boots, galoshes, what were you thinking?)'

Find out what the cards have in store for you with your 2022 Tarot Reading.