Your Daily HomeScope for April 05, 2023

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


If you can't be frank and open with your housemates, then why are you torturing yourself by living with them? IF it is a matter of who never vacuums or dusts, try pooling your resources for a maid service a couple of times a month.


Philosophic conversations are a natural as your group contemplates the past season's remains in your yard -- it's time to turn the dregs of the past into next season's compost.


Preaching will not get you anywhere, especially when it's to the choir. Try a dressing mixture of sesame oil, grated ginger, rice-wine vinegar, agave nectar, water and miso, to make that inevitable salad inspiring.


Torn between selling your old jalopy through a local want ad and donating it to charity for a tax write-off might come down to a decision of time and how yours is best spent. You could answer the phone numerous times and talk to strangers or simply make one call to the organization you wish to benefit.


Your fiery personality is charming. So is your ability to start a fire on the first try, but chim chiminey, chim chiminey, chim chim cheree? It's a good idea to have a chimney sweep work his magic in your fireplace at least every other year. You might even save some on your home owner's insurance policy.

What does the moon say about your emotional nature? Master your emotions with a Natal Moon Report!


The cosmos says take a risk. Go ahead while the house is quiet, and make that cake from scratch. There will be no banged doors today. Cut a circle of parchment paper the size of the pan(s) and place it in the bottom for easy removal.


So you baked a lemon cake for the potluck, but now you want to add some pizzazz. Plus you wouldn't mind a pat on the back (we all need pats on the back.) Dress up the cake by making holes in it with toothpick or a butter knife. Then, gently heat up lemon juice and powdered sugar, and drizzle it over the top so it soaks in. Yummy.


Do not get caught up in the moment when you see what you think are the perfect bar stools for your counter. Call home and get your housemate to take a measurement to avoid disappointment and a trip to the return counter.


Unrestricted expansion is not so great when it comes to tree houses. This is a good time to climb up and see what branch your young ones are pounding nails and boards into. Let fun and safety go hand in hand.


Ideally, your Dual-Core computer processors will operate with speed. Even so, this is a good day to defragment your hard drive, clear your Internet cache and uninstall programs if you no longer need them. Speed can be yours again.


Friends make the day expansive even though the rain tried to dampen plans. Share a limo to lunch just for the fun of it. You won't stray too far off your diets if you split dessert among several spoons.


You just wish there was one little thing you could do to update the look of your favorite room. Beat the bedroom blahs by covering your headboard with an inexpensive drapery panel.

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