Your Daily HomeScope for April 02, 2023

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


Subliminal heavy business suffused your dreams, and now you are ready to make a move out on you own. The choice of where to put your prized collection of Bratz dolls is your own. Your parents may be more willing to hang shelves in your first apartment than store your stuff in the family garage, if you ask.


Be sensitive to you intimate partner's values today. Your better half's vision for your shared resources may be different from your own. An honest discussion of finances may not be complete in a single day, but this is a good time to begin. Keep notes and records -- a visit to professional accountants and investors is probably next.


As your deep, but sometimes scattered, feelings overtake you this evening, open up your journal and write. Take a moment to look back, and if you see a recurring idea for new wood flooring, it is time to bring the idea up with your partner. Check out faux woods that can wear better and cost less.


The changing weather may have an impact on your water system in addition to your mood. Check the insulation on those pipes exposed to the elements. The last thing you want to deal with is a burst pipe in a couple months.


Cats play with their food, sometimes -- so do you. The larger the spaghetti squash, the longer the strands for twirling around your fork, and the thicker for capturing the raisins and the pine nuts in your vegetarian pasta.

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You have an emotional nature. And even if it is not 'that time' of the month, you may be moved to tears by things that would ordinarily just make you smile. It is a good night to bake brownies with the small members of your household. Adding toffee chips to the mix will make them sensational.


Curiosity compels you to investigate the use of kale in your diet. Like spinach, it can bee served in a salad, steamed or cooked over low heat with a squirt of lemon juice, a bit of minced garlic and olive oil or butter.


Be careful about taking risks today. You may love that new set of cutlery sheathed in plastic, but giving edged blades as a gift is said to cut friendships. Invite your friends for dinner, instead.


You'll find you have an active subconscious today. It's better to work on altered-art projects that can stand or even benefit from a wandering mind. Work on that cross-stitch of 'The Starry Night' by van Gogh another time.


Your ability to remain detached and objective makes this a good day for decision-making. DVD or Blu-ray? Veggies or fruit? Silk or satin? The choices are yours.


Ambitious planning on your part will not lead to a successful project unless all the players are accounted for -- give 'em all jobs. Have a friend pick up grandpa for golf before you set to detailing his car as a birthday surprise. Giant bows can be special ordered at florist or by searching online.


It feels like a day to splurge. You can buy more if you refuse to pay full retail. Shop the sale racks and the discount stores to stretch your dollars. The stars are with you today: you'll discover some awesome bargains!

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