Your Daily FoodScope for September 29, 2021

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


It'll feel as if everyone is making demands on your time today, so show patience. Do your best to be there for them, but recognize when you're being taken advantage of. Take time to treat yourself later in the day, perhaps to a nice Thai chicken salad you won't have to share with anyone else.


You may feel your strength return today after a lethargic night with red wine. You may even feel peppy enough for some exercise. Have a modest dinner of white-meat turkey tossed in a green salad and a cup of butternut squash soup, and you'll be almost ready to hit the day running.


It may be time to wean yourself from a cycle of nonstop eating. Most of those leftovers should be history by now, so seek a light and nutritious change for tonight's dinner. Broiled citrus-marinated tilapia with couscous should do the trick, although you're still longing for apple pie.


Cooking up kooky ideas could help you get rid of the last of the leftovers in grand style today. From shells stuffed with a creamy, cheesy chicken sauce to pot pies to chicken a la king, there are million things you can do with that bird if you show a little imagination.


It'll be better to end the day with a fizzle than a bang. It's time to put on the breaks on the overindulgences of the past few days. It'll be tempting to whip up one last batch of deep-fried turkey croquettes, but you'll feel a lot better if you go for a green salad laced with turkey meat.

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Strip away the complications and get down to practicalities today. Too many embellishments often bury the essence just underneath. Simple will be better today, so toss some diced chicken breast, veggies and a lively teriyaki sauce in a wok and stir-fry your way to a delicious and uncomplicated dinner.


You may finally reach critical mass today, and the thought of eating more turkey has lost its appeal. So go easy on your overloaded system when planning dinner tonight. A bowl of bouillabaisse with a Dungeness crab salad will be a good start on your return to normality.


Today will be a great day to indulge in sports, either as a competitor or a spectator, although you'd prefer the latter. That way you can enjoy nachos, hot dogs, beer and ribs without the fear of injury or getting all sweaty.


It'll be the small things that pack the most punch today. Take the humble sunflower seeds, for instance. These gems are full of essential fatty acids that can, among other things, maintain skin integrity and keep you looking young! Pumpkin and flax seeds, as well as most nuts, will work just as well.


You deserve to relax after managing this hectic past few weeks. So put a game on TV, kick back in your comfy chair, and declare that your work has ceased. They'll get the message, and it won't be long before they're serving you homemade pasta primavera loaded with garlic, just the way you like it.


Observe closely the strange paradoxes of behavior that are your kids today; sometimes there's no rhyme or reason to what they do. So don't overanalyze them and just have fun with it. If one of your babies wants a peanut butter and banana sandwich on pumpernickel, just laugh and make one.


You can either let old love letters keep you chained to your sorry past, or you can declare your independence! So go ahead and set them all on fire. You may see the ghosts of dead relationships waft slowly to the sky where they belong. Bring along graham crackers, chocolate and marshmallows, and make that fire do double duty.

What does your moon sign mean? Learn more about your emotional world with a Moon Sign Reading! 🌙