Your Daily FoodScope for September 27, 2021

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


You'll feel positively massive today. But the fond memories of last night's meal will keep you from feeling guilty. In fact, when you're not thinking about that, you'll be thinking about the leftover sandwiches and soup you'll have for lunch.


At some point today you'll get sick of all things associated with dinner. That's okay; some overkill is to be expected. So do something completely different tonight, even though you've got all those leftovers in the fridge. Shrimp shumai and sweet and sour soup will be a much-needed change of pace.


There'll be lethargy in the air today, and no one will feel like doing anything. So take the initiative if people are going to eat today. Hot, open-faced turkey sandwiches won't take much work, so get crackin' while you still have the energy.


You won't be in a hurry to do anything today. In fact, chilling at home sounds like a fantastic idea. You have more than enough movies to watch and beverages to drink, and a refrigerator filled with leftovers. Why, you could hunker down for the whole week if you had to.


There may not have been enough leftovers for you to take home with you last night, and you'll secretly be glad about that. Sans leftovers, take to the streets for dinner tonight. You'll have an array of choices, but Mediterranean lamb or beef kabobs will be a carnivore's dream after all that tofu.

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You'll be willing to do whatever's necessary today to stick to your diet, but the constant exposure to leftovers will have you crumbling. Guilt will set in by evening when you're working on another slice of pie, but by then it'll be too little, too late.


Today will be all about making compromises. So you can have a hot, open-face turkey sandwich and cheese for lunch if you exercise in the morning. Or you can treat yourself to a slice of apple pie if you complete all of your chores. But it'll be anything goes come dinner, and you'll go right for the drumstick!


You'll be able to enjoy leftovers in a healthy way by making slight revisions to the menu. Replace the buttery mashed potatoes with brown rice or couscous, and creamed corn with an arugula salad.


It'll take a lot of energy to face the crowds today, so make sure you're ready. A cheese and spinach omelet with whole-grain toast and fruit will get you in fighting shape to survive the department store jungle.


Putting your career on the back burner today so you can focus on spending quality time with family will be nice. A day spent downtown could be a fun family day out. Take everyone out for a pizza and pasta dinner. Those leftovers can wait until tomorrow.


Break the pattern of boring leftovers and come up with something different today. Turkey pasta fagioli, turkey and barley chowder and turkey cashew casserole are just a few easy to make -- and yummy diversions from the same old, same old.


You may have been plagued by dreams of turkeys hunting you down and roasting you over a raging fire! No wonder you'll awaken without an appetite. Your dream may even scare you off leftovers. So go for a tuna sandwich or a crab salad, anything that didn't once have feathers and laid eggs.

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