Your Daily FoodScope for September 26, 2023

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


Getting along in this world is easy; just be nice to those around you. Niceness begets niceness; it's nice to be nice to the nice. So perform acts of much niceness. Buy bagels for everyone just because. Give half of your meatball sub to a hungry friend. Tell the maitre d' your beef Wellington was excellent, even if it was a tad on the rare side.


You'll reach deep into the inky depths of malaises and emerge with a good time. It's just like you to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat, and your impromptu clambake saved what was threatening to be a very dull Sunday indeed. You've got the prerequisite clams, crabs, mussels and beer. Now what time is Ann Margaret showing up?


Focus on your partner today, or any other significant other who's forced to put up with you. Plan a nice sit-down dinner for the evening. Make it romantic. Chicken piccatta is easy to prepare, and perhaps truffles and sherry afterward. One cozy dinner could make up for a week of not being there.


Choose your home projects carefully today. Don't get into anything too complicated; fixing your brakes is out of the question. So enter your kitchen with an eye on the future. Cooking a pot of marinara sauce will be a good use of your time. It's healthy, easy to make, and can be used as part of your meals for the coming week.


Majors or minors, there's nothing like being at the ballpark on a warm day. The smell of the grass, the crack of the bat, the roar of the crowd! Ah, that's baseball! Not to mention the hot dogs, nachos, popcorn and warm beer that cost more than the ticket to the game itself.

Is your job fulfilling? Stay aligned with your Personalized Career Horoscope!


It'll be okay to splash out today, but keep it within reason. You'll regret buying that mink stole, and you won't be able to return it since someone threw yellow paint all over it. Splurging on food will be a better choice. You'll really enjoy your Dungeness crab casserole until PETA busts in to protest the wanton slaughter of innocent crabs.


The mushroom cloud slowly rising above your house may garner the type of attention you don't want today. That might've been a little too much lighter fluid on those coals, chief. Looks like your beef spare rib barbecue has become a pizza party. Serve enough beer and no one will even notice.


It will be hard to make decisions today. Pancakes or waffles? Strawberry marmalade or blueberry jam? Vermont maple syrup or honey? An embarrassment of riches such as these may seem overwhelming, but what a way to go!


Tune into the nutritional big picture today. Lay around and drink beer and eat nachos and chips all afternoon, and you'll feel like a zombie. But get in some exercise, drink lots of water, and eat something healthy like a grilled chicken rice bowl, and you'll know what it feels like to be alive.


Disconnect from work today. Don't think about it, don't talk about it, don't go into the office for few hours. Reconnect with friends who may be feeling neglected. Catching up with everyone at a mimosa brunch will be fun, especially if there's a Greek omelet and home fries involved.


Feast on a world that's as cheery and fabulous as a trippy, far-out, Technicolor hemp poncho. The antioxidants found in brightly colored fruit, berries and leafy veggies have been proven to prevent cognitive decline while protecting your neurons. Can you hear me, Major Tom?


Lending money won't be a wise move today. It could be tough love, but it'll be best to keep your money to yourself. Take what you would have lent them and buy staples like bread, milk, eggs and chicken breasts instead. You'll be buying yourself karma while saving your friend some cash.

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