Your Daily FoodScope for September 15, 2022

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


Don't get frustrated today when answers are not readily revealed to you. Perseverance will eventually show you the best approach. Once that happens, the rest of the day will be a cakewalk. You can then relax and get in a quick lunch. A bento box at a sushi restaurant will be fast and nutritious.


Today will be a good one to take care of personal business. Pay some bills, return email and phone calls, and make appointments. Just don't let the boss catch you. Get everything wrapped up by end of day when you'll meet the very same people you called for a long overdue pizza fest.


Hard boiled people will try to scramble your brain today. They will be as aggressive as Tabasco, strong like Worcestershire and soy sauce salty. Actually, those three flavors go really well with scrambled eggs and ground beef, i.e. Joe's Special, so it might not be such a bad day after all.


Communicating will be difficult today as your meanings are misinterpreted. This will frustrate you to no end, making a bad day worse. After work, though, ordering dinner will be easy. A Philly cheese steak with the works is something everyone can understand.


You'll know what you want today, so go get it. Your unerring vision will lead the way, and no one will be stand in your way. But satisfaction will be yours later in the day, and when you're finally digging into a sausage and basil calzone, you'll know that your aim is true.

What do the planets say about your love life? Receive cosmic advice with your Daily Love Horoscope.


Your hard work will pay off today with an unexpected cash bonus. Save some of it, but use the rest for mad money. Buy yourself something pretty or spend a restful day at the spa. But save enough for a four-course dinner with a twist. A traditional Chinese roast duck dinner will be insane!


Living in the past will keep you from enjoying the present. It's okay to fondly remember people and things from your past, but don't get stuck there. Let an old fashioned meat loaf dinner take you briefly back to days gone by, and then think about what you're going to do tomorrow.


You may find that you have laser-like focus today. You'll analyze a situation and you'll 'get it' right away. Use this talent to dispel some myths. Pay a call on your local seafood restaurant and determine once and for all if their world famous crab cakes are made of real crab or -- gasp! -- faux crab.


Give dinner a musical theme today, and go nuts with the garnishes. You could craft a Bob Dylan radish with flared green onion for hair, a pineapple carved in the shape of Jerry Garcia, and of course, a life size marzipan Elvis. If your guests are startled now, wait until they see the Jell-O Kurt Cobain.


You may feel your stamina fade in the home stretch. Could it be that your new diet consists of toast and yogurt for breakfast and a chintzy salad for lunch. No wonder you're pooped. Get thee a chicken and veggie rice bowl! A busy machine needs fuel if it's going to run all day.


You'll feel sluggish today, like you never really woke up. Maybe you're not getting enough iron in your diet. It's not hard to get; one glass of orange juice is all you need. Look for it in lean meats, fish and poultry. Guys should be taking in 8 mg a day while ladies should aim for 18 mg.


Ennui at work could have the team running at half speed today. It could be time to shake things up. Call for a meeting tonight in a relaxed setting where new ideas can be tossed around. Everyone can chill at a cool taqueria with lots of hot food and cold beer. Call it a morale booster.

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