Your Daily FoodScope for September 10, 2023

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


Frustration could get the best of you today as nothing goes as planned. Laughing through your tears could keep you from going nuts. So take a break and do something fun. A visit to the ice cream parlor could perfect. There's nothing more fun as a vanilla ice cream cone with jimmies all over the top.


Seek out the comfort of your friends if you're feeling blue today. They'll be sympathetic to your plight and give you a shoulder to cry on. Maybe one of them will give you more than that and invite you to a home-cooked meal, which, with any luck, will be lasagna, meatloaf or a casserole of your choosing.


There are many ways to add color to your vanilla world if you use some creativity. An average marinara sauce can be spruced up with a cup of red wine and grilled bell peppers, and a boring salad can become fabulous with the addition of olives, feta cheese and red kidney beans. Now how hard was that?


Avoid getting involved in time-consuming projects that could force you to work overtime. In fact, think about sneaking off for a long lunch so your help isn't enlisted. Then you can take your time with a half dozen crab cakes and a big bowl of New England clam chowder.


Keep your cool today as chaos swirls around you like a tornado. Having a nice cup of oolong tea with a few water crackers will have a calming effect. But Swiss cheese on those crackers will be even better, and you'll have no other choice but to leave the office for a while so you can buy some.

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People will treat you as their personal therapist today as they come to you with their each and every problem. You may have the time to deal with everyone, so do the next best thing and buy a few boxes of cacao chocolate. Pass them out and watch their problems disappear.


That fluttering in your heart may be the first stirrings of a burgeoning romance. So do something special to communicate your happiness. A box of Swiss chocolate will express how you're feeling, as long as you leave a few pieces for your new honey to enjoy.


You're inspired by art, and there's none greater than Botticelli's 'The Birth of Venus.' But that painting of a great beauty standing on a giant scallop shell will inspire you in other ways today. So run to the nearest seafood restaurant where a plate of marinated scallops wrapped in bacon will be a true masterpiece.


You won't be able to back the car out of the garage today if you don't have fuel in the engine. A few breakfast burritos with scrambled egg and red kidney beans will not only give you the gas you need but also, unfortunately, the type of gas you don't want.


You may not be able to get inside coworkers' brains today, so think of more creative ways of communicating with them. Go for the stomach instead, and passing out homemade fried jalapenos poppers could jolt them into seeing things clearly. Or not.


You're number one, for today at least. So pamper yourself; no one else is going to. There's a million ways to do that: a massage, facial, haircut, manicure and a massive hot fudge sundae all come to mind. In fact, why not splurge and go for all five!


You'll have a sudden vision that you're the king of Neptune's domain, and your minions are friendly shrimp, scallops, clams, lobsters and really big crabs. Oh wait, you're just at your favorite seafood restaurant! Don't you just love it when dreams come true?

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