Your Daily FoodScope for September 03, 2023

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


Speaking in foreign languages will backfire on you if you don't know what you're talking about. This will be true at a Chinese restaurant if you order in your limited grasp of Cantonese. You won't know what it is the waiter puts in front of you, but you're pretty sure roasted duck isn't supposed to have tentacles and an eyeball sticking out of the middle of it all.


You'll encounter many people during the course of your day. Funny, they'll be happier to see you in the morning then they will in the afternoon. Perhaps it's the onion and anchovy pizza slices you had for lunch that has them wary. Brush your teeth, dammit!


People sometimes don't take you as seriously as you'd like, and you're often the butt of the jokes. Do something today to make them treat you with a little respect. Sharing your homemade salmon cakes will have them looking at you differently, and they'll see that your prodigious cooking skills are no laughing matter.


Take time out of your hectic day to do something special for yourself. Whether it's an afternoon yoga session, going for a walk or just kicking back with a soothing cup of orange pekoe tea and cantaloupe slices, you'll welcome this oasis in the midst of chaos.


Your passion for travel is stymied by an anemic bank account. But there are many ethnic neighborhoods in your town, so point yourself in a direction and go. When you find yourself dining on moussaka and pastitsio at a Greek restaurant, the only thing that will be missing will be the Acropolis in the background.

Make sure you're on the right path! Your Personalized Career Horoscope is waiting with answers for you.


Take a risk today and do something you've never done. It doesn't have to extreme like crocodile wrangling. Now, eating crocodile... there's something different! Baked, barbecued or in a gumbo, croc is a staple of Aussie restaurants, and yes, it tastes just like chicken.


It will be more than the happy expression on your face that tells coworkers you're in a super-duper mood. It'll also the bounce in your step, the cheerful greetings, and the big bag of bagels, pastries and homemade cookies that you'll share with the rest of the office.


If you must buy impulsively today, make sure it's something you'll really enjoy. Fashions go out of style, as does jewelry, cars and, hopefully, most pop music. But food never loses its appeal, and lobster thermador with a side of crab bisque will be money well spent.


You'll find yourself in a jovial mood. And you'll want to share the joy with the rest of the world. You won't be able to pass out homemade chocolate chip muffins to everyone you meet, so the first 50 or so people you run into today should consider themselves lucky.


You'll want this day to be over as quickly as possible. But, of course, it'll be more tortoise than hare. So it'll probably be okay to take a long lunch. Use the pace of the day to inspire your lunch choice, and take your good sweet time enjoying a big bowl of savory snapper soup with crackers.


Hang with people who share your values and interests today. It'll be nice to be in your comfort zone with good friends, and not only will they not mind if you ask for anchovies on the lunch pizzas, but they'll go ahead and ask for extra.


You'll want to get the day over with early, but the boss might have different ideas. So don't expect to bolt out before quitting time, which, not coincidentally, will also be when Happy Hour starts. Feast on burgers, Buffalo wings and beers, but don't have so many you'll lead everyone in burning the boss in effigy.

What does your moon sign mean? Learn more about your emotional world with a Moon Sign Reading! 🌙