Your Daily FoodScope for October 31, 2022

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


After the past few days, today will seem more mundane than it should. Fight the bland with gray salt! Finishing a crisp heirloom tomato salad with a little of this pricey salt will make your taste buds revel. Just a pinch will do ya!


Today has the possibility of being your most stubborn day of the week. Temper the 'stick in the mud' mood with unexpected loveliness. A bowlful of fresh berries topped with creme fraiche isn't just delicious -- it's beautiful.


Your bills may be weighing on your mind today. Rather than spending a night out with friends, have them over. Nothing beats a last-minute potluck of nachos, hot dogs and cold beers.


It might be a bumpy day packed with things beyond your control, so focus on what you can. What you put in your mouth, for example. Note any trends in what you eat when you have certain feelings, and how those foods make you feel.


Watch out for over analyzing everything today. Simple flavors like allspice and thyme can combine in wonderful ways against a juicy chicken breast to make a great jerk. Throw in some coconut rice and you have perfection.

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Thinking too much about a problem may just be making it worse today. The same goes for your diet. Counting calories may be rationalizing something more basic: you eat too much. Get your dinner served in a half-portion tonight, wait 20 minutes and only eat more if you really are hungry.


Social anxiety may present itself today in the form of nit-picking when you offer what you think is well-intentioned criticism of someone else's outfit. Keep your mouth busy with a slice of watermelon or a county-fair corn dog instead.


Plan your fete carefully. Do you have time to do all the chopping, dicing and cleaning before the guests show up? Enlist the help of the one or two poor hapless souls that actually come on time, and focus on getting your signature slaw just right.


Bring your desire for balance into focus today. Too often your meals feature heavy breakfasts and dinners, but not much between. Order smaller brunch platters and have a mid-day snack of flatbread, carrots and hummus.


Your day will be packed with errands, so make sure you have on-the-go energy handy. Home-mixed granola with nuts and fruit is a perfect option. Can't make it yourself? Hit the bulk bins at the market and stock up.


Ever notice how a meal is often made that much better when you use really quality ingredients? This same idea can apply in all facets of your life -- at or away from the dinner table. Remember this today.


Ask yourself an important question today: what makes you happy? If it's feeling great, then why gobble up half the picnic table and spend the rest of the barbecue rubbing your gut? Moderation is your watchword.

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