Your Daily FoodScope for October 08, 2022

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


It's ok to feel a little like you just want to stay in and hide under the covers, today. Indulge the need for comfort with one of your favorite guilty-pleasure foods. Whether that's a plate of fries smothered in wing sauce, or a pint of expensive gelato, it's okay to slip into comfort-eating for now.


It's a day lush with passion and romance, so take every opportunity to indulge. Split a molten chocolate cake with your lover tonight, and scoop up the oozy sweetness with plump raspberries... or your fingers.


You'll want to take this day slowly, right up to your meals. Rather than rushing through your breakfast, make yourself a complete meal and take the time to enjoy it. It'll set the tone for the day.


Watch out for things that seem too good to be true, today. If someone offers you a cup of 'non-fat, tastes like the real thing' froyo, it's likely a scam. Real food has real calories, and fake food isn't worth your time.


The sexual tension between you and a certain someone is so intense it could practically set a fire. Temper the flame with a refreshing agua de frutas. Mix your choice of fruit or berries with a little sugar in ice cold water and douse those flames just as sweetly.

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The relentless intensity of the day may be exhausting for you, but there are ways to beat the heat. Juice and a light alcohol (vodka or gin) frozen in an ice cube tray and added to tap water can make a refreshing, adult way to end the day.


Have you been skimming the surface of something crucial for too long? Today will force you to look deeper. Complete your fix for substance with a hearty pot pie, the more chunky meat the better.


Decision time is here. Whatever you've been mulling over the past week has come to a head. Take a deep breath and act! Then, get a dose of hearty heat from a sausage-packed jambalaya or creamy dish of grits (topped with cheese, of course).


Give into the more sensual pleasures that you've been craving for some time. Filet mignon or plank-cooked halibut wins over veggie burgers and healthy salads. When it comes time for dessert, skim the berry pies and settle into a lush chocolate mousse.


Take the time to deconstruct the layers of life, today. This goes for food, too. When presented with a haute cuisine dish of minuscule proportions, don't dial down the instinct to calculate where your 45 bucks is going in the three inches of food you receive.


There's a reason others see you as a loner, and that reason is always saying 'no' come the communal lunch hour. Come on, will going out for a cold-cut sandwich with the team really cut into your work that much?


Someone may be pressuring you to jump into a situation that you're unsure of -- and with good cause. Stick to your guns on this one. Later, reward yourself with a sweet cocktail or slice of cake after dinner.

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