Your Daily FoodScope for October 07, 2023

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


Working in groups can bring about more than creative ideas. People will munch on anything during brainstorming sessions, and you may be tempted to dip into all those potato chips, cookies and bagels. Take a deep breath, chant your manta, peel a banana and think of other things.


Power struggles will be everywhere today. On the bus, in the office and even at home, you'll have to fight for everything. But you'll finally get your way in the last hours of the day, when there's no one to tell you that you shouldn't snack before bed, or dictate how much peanut butter you should spread on your crackers.


Your opinions about eating salads may change if you realize that most salad dressings contain large amounts of nasty high fructose corn syrup. You could use just a smidge of dressing, but who does that? Make your own instead. A little olive oil, balsamic vinegar and red pepper flakes are a good start.


Put away the chisel and hammer, because nothing is etched in stone. Being flexible will be the key to having a successful day and your mettle will be tested early. You'll blanch when you see the bakery has sold the last bear claw. But a cinnamon bun will make you just as happy, provided they warm it to the right temperature.


Your ego could take a hit today when you see coworkers looking better than you. They'll seem so trim, so slim, so full of energy. You'll eye them up jealousy as they eat their salads and yogurt and fruit. There's nothing you hate more than a showoff, you'll think to yourself just before finishing your double-bacon cheeseburger.

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What do you see in your kitchen cupboards? Are they succinct and orderly like a supermarket or a mad, jumbled mess? Making order from chaos will result in an efficient kitchen that's ready to rock. It'll also keep you from accidentally putting into cinnamon rather than cumin into your chili con carne.


People will urge you to try new things today, but you'll resist as you revel in the tried and true. So let them celebrate the mediocrity of trendy bistros or sushi restaurants. You'll be with your fried bologna and melted American cheese sandwich, just as you have since you were ten.


It could be tragic if an older relative discovers that you've been claiming their recipes as your own. But that could happen today when Grandma finds out you've been ripping her off. Call for a cook-off, but don't be surprised if she mops the floor with you and your sub-par take on her classic turkey croquettes.


Keep an open mind tonight, and trust friends to make the right decisions. You've never doubted their tastes and dinner at a restaurant with a challenging menu will be no different. Show a little adventurous spirit and the sauteed frog legs with tomato garlic butter will become a welcome addition to your culinary repertoire.


You may feel like you're in a rut, but force of habit keeps you from changing. Fortunately, a love of Asian food means you don't have to change that much to enjoy new cuisines. Whether Chinese dim sum, Japanese sashimi or Vietnamese sandwiches, you're bound to find something to your liking.


Share your vision of a greener, more environmentally friendly dinner table with your family; they may be surprisingly receptive. Buy organic beef and chicken and fresh seasonal produce from local growers. You'll be doing something positive for the health of your family and for the local economy as well.


You'll have the wisdom of Solomon today, and people will use the word sage to describe your cognitive abilities. Being the genius that you are, this will kick-start some excellent dinner ideas. Sage-encrusted chicken breast with prosciutto will have them hailing your genius once again.

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