Your Daily FoodScope for October 07, 2022

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


You'll need balance on this hectic day of new projects and important decisions. Don't forget that a hearty breakfast of oatmeal (topped with a little brown sugar) is a great way to stoke the fires and keep you burning hot and fast all day long.


The healthiest thing you can do right now is nothing. Don't add butter to your bread. Don't dip your veggies twice into the hummus. Definitely don't have your usual glass of red with dinner.


Fun is the focus of the day. Create a carnival atmosphere in your own home by whipping up some homemade caramel (butter, sugar, cream over low heat) and pouring it all over some fresh popcorn. Decadent and delicious!


New projects may not do well on this challenging day. This means the cookbook you just got might have to wait, and your next several meals might be courtesy of takeout boxes. Don't worry, this too shall pass.


With your focus on moderation today, it's no wonder you'll shift from freedom to restriction now. Try not to eliminate flavor though, when you move from picnic foods to veggies. Even brussels spouts can be gussied up when they are caramelized with some balsamic and shallots.

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Find meaning in the smallest actions and details today. If cooking for a group of new friends, make sure no one has any allergies. Tricky peanuts are the most common offenders, and you'll be so glad you checked.


The energy of the day is high, and you'll be more apt to go go go all day long. Get your high-energy fix with on-the-go sized portions of almonds, sugar snap peas and apple slices. You'll stay full, and have the pep to make the rounds with grace.


Have the patience to let someone else come to you, today. Even if they've needed your help for a while, you'll get nowhere forcing the issue. Besides, it's hard for dear ol' Mom to admit she needs help with something as simple as chocolate chip cookies.


A problem will present itself later today, and all eyes will turn to you. Don't sweat it, you have the answer. You won't have the answer when someone looks down at your plate of jiggling uni at dinner, and wonders 'What IS that?' Dive in anyway.


Your energy may be wasted on people who will seem slippery and insubstantial today. Get the substance you need from your meals with hearty grains like flaxseed. Flax, when mixed into normal baking, can add a boost of omega-3 fatty acids and keep you full for hours.


Focus your sparkling sense of humor on your palate today. Bring in those laughter-inducing Pop Rocks into work, or rename your famed jerk chicken for your partner. And, if all else fails, a couple cans of Spotted Dick never fails to bring the house down.


Give some thought to your career today, and if it's really fulfilling you in a way that's meaningful. Think the same way about your breakfast, which usually ranges from three pancakes to just a latte. Establish some balance and split the difference with a bowl of brown-sugar sprinkled oatmeal.

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