Your Daily FoodScope for November 24, 2021

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


What better way to celebrate soup than by making your own? Lentil, potato leek, tomato dill or sweet and sour -- it's all good. Even if you have to get it from a can, a hot bowl of soup will warm your tummy and your soul today.


Indulge yourself today! There are few snacks that are more fun than peanut butter, but don't limit yourself to just P, B and J sandwiches. There are a million other things you can do with this creamy or crunchy delight. Peanut butter cheesecake, anyone?


Keeping your secrets to yourself will behoove you today. There are things you might not want people to know, and revealing them can damage your reputation. Your vegetarian dinner group might ask for your resignation if you tell them about the roast beef sub you had for lunch.


You never know when your crazy ideas might go over big, so don't be afraid to throw them out there today. Family members may surprise you by being receptive to your suggestion of having a vegetarian-style dinner. Stir-fried tofu with red bell pepper and Vietnamese hot sauce will be a hit, although the rose petal soup may take some getting used to.


It'll be easy to overindulge today. In fact, the only time you'll get off the couch will be to refill your bowl of potato chips, throw a bag of popcorn into the microwave and crack open another Guinness. You won't even have to move come dinnertime except, of course, to answer the door when the pizza delivery guy comes knocking.

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You can accomplish a lot today by getting started right after sunrise. In fact, you may get more done by noon than most people will accomplish all day. Your reward will be to spend the rest of the afternoon with friends at the sports pub, eating Buffalo wings and quesadillas, watching the your favorite team.


Sing a song of happiness today. And what a day it'll be as you make peanut butter smores, cookies and pinwheels. Whistle as you work and then invite a friend to share in the fun. Why sing solo when you can make it a duet?


Release your inner animal today by playing sports. You'll be quite the aggressor as you play with the intensity of an Olympic athlete. But you'll be more of a pussycat once you get home when you'll watch the game on TV, munching on a box of animal crackers.


Plan a trip to the farmer's market today. Spending the day in the great if chilly outdoors will be invigorating. You can also buy fresh and organic ingredients for tonight's dinner. Tomatoes, garlic and basil can be used for a homemade marinara sauce, while other veggies can be used for salad. Imagine, a wonderful meal that costs next to nothing.


Throw your to-do list onto the fire and just relax today. You remember how to do that, don't you? Forget about cooking dinner tonight while you're at it. There's a nearby Italian restaurant with a chicken valdostano that has your name on it. Well, what are you waiting for?


You'll crave something traditional with a bit of flair today. Dinner at a Japanese restaurant will take care of the first part. Ordering seared salmon sushi and aubergine with sweet soy paste will cover the second part quite nicely.


Your day will be exhausting as you knock off one home project after another. But you can end it on a relaxing note by cooking a nice dinner. Grilled salmon with lemon pesto and an arugula salad will be your rewards for a day of hard work. Spend the rest of the evening vegging on the couch. You deserve it.

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