Your Daily FoodScope for November 17, 2021

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


Things around the house can get done a lot faster if everyone works as a team, especially at dinner. Gather all hands on deck to help prepare a Thanksgiving-style turkey dinner with all the trimmings. This way everyone can spend less time cookin' and more time eatin' and chattin', and isn't that what dinner is all about?


Don't let rude people rub you the wrong way today. There's a loudmouthed lunkhead in every crowd, but don't lower yourself to that level just to have the final say. Just stuff your mouth with oatmeal and fruit and you may avoid the temptation to fill their mouths with your fist.


A radical new experience may shake you to the core of your beliefs, and you may never be the same. But after you have your first bite of a burger made from ground bison, you might not ever go back to plain old beef. Bison: It's the new red meat.


You may find you have extra cash to throw around today, but be wise in how you spend it. Buy everything you need for sumptuous creamy seafood chowder, perhaps even some lobster! Throw in a loaf of crumbly bread and a find bottle of chardonnay, and you'll understand what it means to live large.


Be adaptable with friends today as dinner suggestions are being tossed about. Italian, Thai, Tex-Mex, Asian fusion; it's all good to you. But draw the line if someone suggests tapas. You'll need something more than just finger food, because, after all, what are tapas other than glorified appetizers?

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Mixing up your regular routine today could produce strange and unusual results. Things could get quite kooky, but the change will be refreshing. Who says you can't have a Philly cheese steak and onion rings for breakfast? Stranger things have happened.


Having an affinity for the wants and needs of family members today will make living together easier. So expect the day to progress smoothly and sans tension. But things may fall apart later when you take them out for pizza, and no one will be able to agree on suitable toppings.


Throwing a dinner party for your older relatives will be a good idea if you don't get all high-falutin' on them. They may not be as impressed with your udon in miso soup and crab lemongrass tartlets as you are, and tensions could result. Keep the menu simple with hearty down-home food like pot roast or lasagna if you want to avoid becoming the family pariah.


Sunday dinner with the family is always a fun time. But having everyone help with the preparations amps up the fun factor. Choose a meal where everyone can pitch in, perhaps lasagna and homemade marinara sauce, and you'll really have something to crow about at dinner.


You can plan for a long healthy life by eating the right foods today. Apricots have amazing anti-aging properties as they contain the highest levels of cancer and 'bad cholesterol' busting carotenoids of any food. Whether fresh, canned or dried, eating apricots can help you live long and prosper.


You'll have an urge to share your Utopian visions with friends today. They'll listen with bemusement, but expect your words to go in one ear and right out the other. So even as you express your dreams of a vegetarian society, they'll go right ahead and order cheeseburgers and steak sandwiches anyway.


You'll find it impossible to stem the flow of thoughts racing through your mind today. But a relaxing session of meditation or yoga could help calm your mind. Follow that with spinach salad and citrus marinated broiled chicken breast. You'll feel yourself come full circle as you do good things for your mind and body.

What does the moon say about your emotional nature? Master your emotions with a Natal Moon Report!