Your Daily FoodScope for November 15, 2021

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


Keep your day-to-day goals as simple as a cheesy chicken casserole today. Setting easy-to-achieve goals practically guarantees success. Making them as complex as coconut almond chicken with apricot curry sauce will be time consuming or totally unattainable.


You'll be open to innovation today, and no cuisine will be too strange for you. Egyptian ful medames, Okinawan soba or Aussie barramundi filets will all hold their own unique appeal. Keep your mind and appetite open today as your eclectic tastes make you a true citizen of the world.


You'll attempt to boost your intellectual powers today by eating a lot of brain food today. So stock up on nootropics like nuts, fruit, yogurt and oily fish like mackerel and salmon. You're not sure how long it'll take these foods to take effect, but for now it's taking all your brainpower to even spell nootropic.


Strawberries! Just think of the possibilities: smoothies, cake and pie toppings, on cones or right out of the container. You'll wish every day was Strawberry Ice Cream Day, and there's no reason why they can't be.


You may have used way too much sodium in your homemade chicken noodle soup. But with a little ingenuity you can find a solution to your salty problem. Adding a spoonful of white distilled vinegar and sugar should correct the taste. Now that's a sweet solution!

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Think outside the box today and you could see things in a new light. So check out a Cambodian restaurant for dinner. While Cambodian is similar to Vietnamese cuisine, the heavy use of the spice kroeung is what gives dishes like ban hoaw and bai cha its own distinctive taste.


Today will be as great as a double banana split with hot fudge sauce, whipped cream, cherries and strawberries! Enjoy that sweet concoction to the max today, because things could go south tomorrow, and all you'll have left will be a goopy mess.


You follow health and nutrition trends closely, but you wonder who roped everyone into that 'carbs are bad' myth. Complex, slow burning carbs like brown rice, whole grain breads and oatmeal are essential for energy and building body cells and tissue, but they also contribute greatly to better brain function. Not eating carbs -- how stupid is that?


Communicate without using words today. Everyone speaks the universal language of food, so invite friends to dinner, and let your delicious dishes and fabulous presentation do the talking. After partaking of your pear and spinach salad, stuffed pork chops and creme brulee, your pals will be absolutely speechless -- in a good way, of course.


Don't be connived by the connivers today. Everyone will have some grand scheme that needs your money to succeed, but don't buy into it. Buy yourself a well-earned meal instead. Medium rare filet mignon with onion rings will do you more good than deeds to real estate in Antarctica.


You'll start the day with an intense energy that will slowly fade into mellow drowsiness by lunchtime. You may be too lethargic to do anything other than call Chinese and order take out walnut prawns and sweet and sour pork. But use a fork when eating. Those chopsticks are just too much work!


You'll lose yourself in dreaming about the future today. But you'll eventually have to think about the here and now. If dinner is part of those thoughts, don't make it any more complicated than stir fried prawns and snap peas and egg drop soup.

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