Your Daily FoodScope for May 22, 2024

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


Expect to be blasted out of a cannon today as the workweek kicks immediately into high gear. Prepare yourself for the day by eating a vitamin- and nutrient-packed brekkie. Bran flakes, mango slices, whole-grain toast and Free Trade Ethiopian coffee will be all the fuel you'll need to stay in orbit all day long.


Do something out of character today that will take people completely by surprise. That doesn't mean dying your hair green or bringing your pet wombat to work. Instead, order your usual tuna on toast, but get greens on the side rather than the fries. That should throw everyone for a loop.


No one will really know what they want for dinner tonight, so toss some ideas around. There'll be suggestions for seafood, pasta and leafy greens. So strike a happy balance by making a baked ziti casserole chock full of scallops, clams and arugula. That should keep everyone happy.


You'll face a seemingly insurmountable wall of tasks that need to be completed today. So brace yourself for a hectic day. Bust out the teakettle and fill a Thermos with organic green tea with sprigs of mint. You'll need a couple of gallons of that to keep from completely losing it today.


You may have the urge to socialize. So gather a few mates together at the local sports pub for an after-work session of pool, pitchers of German pilsner and a few hundred Buffalo wings. Throw in some lively, stimulating conversation and it'll be like the weekend never ended.

Find out what the cards have in store for you with your 2022 Tarot Reading.


Look carefully at the details and you'll find that high-fructose corn syrup is in everything from ketchup to sports drinks to corn flakes. Originally developed as replacement for sugar, it can actually be more detrimental than the real thing and has been partly blamed for soaring obesity rates. So read labels carefully today. You'll do your health a world of good.


Cooking innovative and delicious meals isn't quite as much fun if you don't have anyone to share them with. So make a few calls today and invite friends to an impromptu dinner party. Maybe then your balsamic baked fish and tiramisu will get the recognition they deserve.


The business field will be littered with land mines today, so you'll need to be alert and aware. Skip your usual cup of morning Joe; the caffeine could make you jittery and compromise your focus. Caffeine-free oolong tea with a sprig of mint will have a soothing effect while keeping your brain razor sharp at the same time.


Friends could rightfully accuse you of being all talk when it comes to your culinary claims. So put your spatula where your mouth is, and invite them to a home-cooked meal. Not only will they admit that your braised lamb shanks and garlic mashers are the best they've ever had, but they'll beg you for the recipe.


You'll have your usual scrambled egg whites for breakfast, but it may not be enough to last until lunch. You'll get hungry fast, and a snack may be in order. Trail mix and granola will be filling, but so will a Snickers bar.


You know today will be a good one after finishing a breakfast of oatmeal with cinnamon, a fruit cocktail and wheat toast. The surge of positive energy will last until lunch, and then you can refuel with a bowl of lentil soup and a Cobb salad.


Everything today will have two distinct yet opposite faces. A seemingly healthy turkey breast on wheat will be slathered with mayo; a bowl of fresh blueberries will be topped with a heaping helping of whipped cream. Not that there's anything wrong with either option.

What do the planets say about your love life? Receive cosmic advice with your Daily Love Horoscope.