Your Daily FoodScope for May 21, 2023

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


You'll try to take advantage of co-workers today but you won't get away with it. They'll let you know they're wise to you in none-too-subtle ways. That'll happen when you find your tuna sub drenched in Tabasco and something you hope is chocolate sauce.


Get a better understanding of the human condition today by eating as little as possible. You may then understand what many people go through every day. Complete your day with a bowl of chicken soup and a slice of bread. Then head out tomorrow and do what you can to help.


Your partner may want to call the shots tonight, but you may have other ideas. You may have to meet halfway. Go for crab ravioli at the Italian restaurant, but bring along some Vietnamese hot sauce. Then you'll both get what you want.


You'll turn lemons into lemonade today. Your partner's meatloaf may turn out like a cinder, but there's nothing that a ton of ketchup can't make taste better. This may be an extreme case, however, so you better bust out the horseradish, too.


You'll want to make a good impression on a date tonight. So pick a restaurant that's fun but not too boisterous. A Tex-Mex place will be perfect. You can get to know each other better over enchiladas and flautas, and maybe even learn the Texas Two-Step.

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Today will be a good one if you start it with oatmeal, fruit, and wheat toast. But run out of the house on an empty stomach and you could crash by noon. You'll try to recover with an open-face hot roast beef sandwich, but it may be too little too late.


People will lord authority over you today if you let them. So hold your ground and take on all competition. They'll be surprised by your strength and eventually back down. It's a good thing you had your Wheaties for breakfast or you'd be toast.


You may be confronted with opposing ideas today. You could back down, but that would be cowardly. So stand your ground today to get what you want. Co-workers will see your resolve and decide that anchovies on the lunchtime pizza are not a good idea.


You'll feel conservative at work today. But it'll be a different story come nighttime. That's when you'll have a hankering for the unusual -- Korean sannakji will be perfect. The prospect of eating live octopus brings out the daredevil in you.


You'll end the day with positive outcomes of many work projects. So start the evening in earnest at dinner with friends. Vietnamese cuisine is light and yummy, so go for the pork in a cilantro and chili sauce. Surprise everyone by picking up the tab.


The workplace will like a war zone today. You won't be part of the drama, so put your head down and keep out of it. Stick to yourself at lunch, as well. The bickering and fighting of coworkers could put you right off your homemade turkey cheeseburger.


You may be bored with your usual dinner haunts, so seek out somewhere new and unusual tonight. An authentic Aussie restaurant could be fun. You'll have choices that range from grilled crocodile to lamb chops. And the beer, oh the beer!

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