Your Daily FoodScope for May 19, 2024

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


You'll need to get forceful with coworkers if things are to get done today. But don't go all dictatorial on them; whipping them with a wet noodle may be more effective than a sledgehammer attack. Nicely coercing them with bagels and Danishes may bring even greater success.


Your loyalty to the people and things you love is intense and without question. But today you may be forced to turn your back on old friends. Sea salt and vinegar potato chips, Philly cream cheese and questionable energy bars can be big contributors to weight and health problems, so they have to go. Parting will be sweet sorrow until you discover the wonders of tofu!


You'll want to soar with the eagles today, not screech with the crows. A proper breakfast will get you flying; scrambled egg whites and wheat toast could be the wind beneath your wings! But after a day of ascension, have broiled salmon or stir-fried ginger beef for dinner, not anything that might have once had feathers and came from an egg.


You'll be as self-indulgent as you want today, consequences be damned! It'll be biscuits and gravy with home fries for brunch and you won't even worry about calories and fat! Then you'll go totally crazy and have a dozen fresh-baked cookies for dessert. You may think you're living large, but keep it up and the operative word here will be 'large.'


You may find yourself distracted and scatterbrained today. You'll misplace things and forget what you were saying mid-sentence. So eat something today that reflects your flighty personality. Chicken noodle soup and turkey croquets will be perfect.

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Relationship problems may be simmering just under the calm surface. But talking them out could be all you need to make things right. Prepare a soothing dinner that will be conducive to a meaningful heart-to-heart chat. Looks like it's a shepherd's pie and ice cream kind of night.


Battle lines may be drawn as family members disagree over dinner choices tonight. You'll align yourself with the healthier bloc that wants chicken cutlets with lemon-caper sauce, but you'll secretly wish you were on the side that's lobbying for pizza.


You may run into an opponent today who's stronger than you. Giving it your best may not be good enough and you'll wind up giving in. Oh well. You can go back on your diet tomorrow after indulging in a cheeseburger, fries and chocolate milk shake today.


There's better ways to deal with a recent heartbreak than listening to Pink Floyd's 'The Wall' on continuous loop. Tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich will be a tastier and much less morose way of drowning your sorrows.


You do and you do and you do for those people, and where does it get you? Be proactive today and let the rest of the family know what you want. Then kick back and watch as they dutifully go about fulfilling your wishes. By making you a simple chicken cacciatore dinner, they'll get a taste of what you do for them every day.


You'll need to distill fact from fiction today. Popular belief dictates that fat is bad! But your body needs some fat for proper functioning. So look to nuts, olive oil, avocado and cold-water fish as sources of healthy fats.


The day will be fast paced, so plan on a quiet dinner in the evening. Prepare a green salad, but embellish it with grilled chicken, kidney beans, feta cheese and corkscrew pasta. A light garlic dressing could give the whole thing just the right mellow kick.

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