Your Daily FoodScope for May 19, 2023

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


You may need to cool your jets a bit. Burnout can be a factor as you race through the day. So take some time for yourself today. Find a quiet cafe where you can have a slice of mushroom quiche and a cup of tea. You'll be glad you did.


It'll be a rare mellow day. Take advantage of the slow pace and get out for a bit. There's something about eating lunch outside on a brisk spring day that makes a shrimp salad sandwich taste even better.


Confusing undercurrents will permeate your day. People will wear two faces and you won't know whom to trust. So have lunch by yourself today. There's something about a roast beef sub with barbecue potato chips that you can really count on.


Problems at work today will frustrate and maybe even anger you. But hang in there -- things will get better after work. That's when you can relax at home by cooking a nice dinner. Chicken parmesan with penne pasta will make you oh-so happy.


You'll drive your people hard today, so reward them when it's time to relax. Take everyone to a sports pub after work for appetizers, beer and a few rounds of pool. Bonding is always better when nachos and potato skins are involved.

Get even more insights for the month ahead with your premium Monthly Horoscope.


Keep your eyes peeled at work today if you're single. Cupid may be lurking in the hallways and he's loaded with arrows. So if you see someone making moony eyes at you during lunch, assume it's not because they admire your smoked turkey tortilla wrap.


Your brain will feel scrambled today, and focus will be a hard thing to come by. Get yourself some glucose and potassium, pronto! Both have been proven to stimulate mental focus, so chow down on bananas, apples and veggies at least twice today.


You'll have the laser-like focus of a robot today. Yet unlike a tin machine you'll need sustenance to get you through the day. Try having a ginger salmon patty sandwich for lunch. The Omega-3s will take your brain to infinity and beyond!


Your budget may be tight these days so count every penny and watch where it goes. Making your own lunch could save you big bucks. Shrewd shopping will enable you to build a healthy and varied lunch menu. It doesn't have to be peanut butter and jelly everyday.


You'll have the stamina of an Olympic athlete today. So keep the fires burning by chowing down on plenty of energy-producing carbs and protein. You can't do much better than spaghetti and meatballs for that. Just make sure the pasta is whole wheat.


It'll take discipline to keep from descending into the dark pit of temptation today. Nachos, pizza, and candy bars will lurk behind every corner. But it'll only take one grilled chicken Caesar salad to have you ascending back into the light.


You may help co-workers out of some tough jams today. But call the shots if they offer to take you to lunch. Choose a sushi restaurant where you can snack on brain food like unagi, ebi and futomaki. It may be expensive, but your help doesn't come cheap.

What does the moon say about your emotional nature? Master your emotions with a Natal Moon Report!