Your Daily FoodScope for May 18, 2022

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


Spend today playing with your new toys or gadgets, trying on new fashions, and planning a new spin on an old favorite recipe. But don't worry about making dinner tonight. Time for takeout or delivery!


Keep your eyes peeled for romance as you're out and about today. Someone may notice your hat or shoes. But don't get too worked up -- sometimes a look is just a look, and hunger can play with your mind.


You'll want to return the ceramic garden gnome Aunt Betty gave you recently, but the shopping crowds will be beyond comprehension. So abandon those plans, and treat yourself to lunch instead. You may have second thoughts as you enjoy lamb stew and a cold beer at a pub, and Mr. Garden Gnome may have finally found himself a nice home.


Make the round of the parties tonight or at least soon, but go easy on the crab dip, quesadillas and little egg rolls. Memories of last night's feast may be on your mind, and you may want to leave room for a late-night turkey and cranberry sandwich after you get home.


Your leftovers may be awfully inviting, but show some self-control or you could spend the entire day eating. Hit the gym or go for a walk instead and work off yesterday's indulgences. Then you might not feel so guilty about overindulging again tonight.

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The thought of eating leftovers may not appeal to you tonight, so dine out instead. Go for something different from anything traditional. Burmese cuisine will be an inspired choice, and the delicious mohinga and lahpet will be as far removed from the usual menu as you can get.


Too much overindulgence yesterday may have your tummy feeling queasy today. But don't look to milk for relief -- it's harder to digest than other foods and may actually make you feel worse. Go for ginger ale or ginger tea instead. Ginger contains soothing properties that are proven to cure the heebie-jeebies that are making you feel so nauseous.


With a little imagination you can transform those dinner leftovers into something exciting and new. Chicken can be used in soups, pot pies and croquets, while beef or veggies can be the basis of a yummy chili.


It'll be easy to overindulge on yesterday's leftovers -- it could be ham sandwiches for lunch and salad for dinner. Even breakfast won't be immune; it's just not a Denver omelet without liberal doses of meat, cheese, and veggies.


You'll finally get a chance to relax. You remember how to do that, right? So order in tonight. You'll want nothing more than to kick back, watch movies on TV, and eat what will no doubt be comfort food.


Scored a date for tonight? Dinner is always a nice icebreaker, so think of somewhere with a relaxed atmosphere. It doesn't have to be anywhere peculiar or fancy -- perhaps an Italian or American bistro or anywhere else that doesn't serve anything too complicated.


You'll just want to relax at home and breathe a sigh of relief. Make yourself a nice dinner tonight; stir-fried beef and broccoli in a citrus sauce will be a nice change of pace. You've had enough chicken and fish for a while.

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