Your Daily FoodScope for May 16, 2024

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


You don't like being the first one into the office; it leaves it to you to brew the coffee and boil water for tea. But you don't want to kill time by hanging out at the local coffee cafe, either. Between the comfy couches, creamy lattes and yummy fruit croissants, you might not want to leave. What to do? Expect it to be one of those days.


Your slow, deliberate way of approaching things may have to change today if you're going to drive in the fast lane. Fuel up with a cup of high-octane Colombian coffee before starting out. Screw the niceties of cream and sugar. You're in it to win it today.


You'll find yourself smack in the middle of a potentially explosive situation at work today. Emotions will be ignitable, so do your best to keep a cool temperament. Reach into your desk and find that hidden bar of dark chocolate. That should put you back in your Happy Place pronto!


Your emotions will be easily aroused today, so stock up on foods that made you happy as a child. Pop a few Necco chocolate wafers or Pop Rocks into your mouth whenever the stress sets in. When things get really heavy, don't be afraid to turn to your old friend Oh Henry!


Some people will be persuasive, but you'll hold steadfast in your opinions today. It's the rare veggie burger that doesn't taste like it's made of dust and tree bark, and Vegemite will never be a worthy substitute for strawberry jam on your morning toast. That's your story; stick with it today.

Do your stars align? Find out your Compatibility Score and reveal the truth!


Like many of the great seers before you, you know the truth is out there. But you might want to fight that strong desire to know what's real as you bite into a plump Kosher hot dog today. Just smother it in lots of mustard, relish and onions, and don't ask any questions.


Today will be as fabulous as sharing a homegrown salad at an exclusive White House lunch with FLOTUS! The veggies will be fresh and organic and the day will be going swimmingly until you notice that the waiter looks a lot like -- nah, it couldn't be.


Initiate an activity today that will lead to the betterment of mind and body. That could be as fun as taking an organic cooking class or joining a boot camp. Better yet, take both. That way you can have the rest of the class over to your place for post-workout spinach and mushroom egg white omelets and home fries.


Reverting back to your childhood may take very little prompting today. It could be something as simple as looking at old photographs or hearing a favorite song, but you'll suddenly have an uncontrollable craving for tater tots and tomato soup.


Don't worry if the sailing is less than smooth today. You're bound to have a few rocky days, so don't sweat it. Chinese could be a good choice for lunch, but go for the ginger chicken or potstickers with a ginger dipping sauce. The ginger may help settle your tummy when the seas really get rough later today.


Give a shout out to the halcyon days of your bohemian youth today by reacquainting yourself with your old friend tofu. Adaptable and packed with protein, it was a dietary staple back in the day. But you're more sophisticated now, and you'll have yours stir-fried, grilled or caramelized, thank you. The days of eating it right out of the package died when you stopped calling yourself Moonbeam.


You won't appreciate things that aren't real today or pretend to be what they're not. So don't let anyone tell you that monkfish taste just like lobster because it doesn't! That's like someone giving you a counterfeit $1,000 bill and telling you to go wild at the Burberry store.

Are you meant to be? Find out with our Love Compatibility Report!