Your Daily FoodScope for May 07, 2023

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


You'll get a lot done today and you'll zoom into the evening like Iron Man into the sky. But fuel up before heading out. A plate of angel hair pasta with red clam sauce and gnocchi will give you plenty to burn for what could be a long night.


It's good for co-workers to bond over food. So plan something a little more expansive than pizza in the meeting room tonight. Happy hour at a Tex-Mex place will be a blast, and you can gorge on nachos and enchiladas while wearing a big, goofy sombrero.


Try your best to be generous today. But be prepared for those who will whine if they don't get what they want. So make sure you get as many poppy seed bagels as plain today. Something so simple could keep your day from going south really fast.


It'll be okay to hide from the cold, mean world after work today. You'll want to snuggle at home after a tough day. You may not have a significant other, so cozy up to that pile of freshly made chocolate chip cookies.


You may find yourself distracted from your work today. There'll be any number of deep thoughts breaking your focus. But you'll mostly be thinking of a spicy chicken and pineapple meal that's been slow cooking since early this morning.

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Hanging with friends at happy hour today will be a blast! While not brain food, there's something about appetizers that contributes to stimulating conversations. You could solve the mysteries of life with just a few Buffalo wings and a lot of crab puffs.


Spend time with family and friends by planning a dinner party. But choose a menu that's easy to make. Lasagna, baked ziti and garlic bread will give everyone choices, and let you enjoy your guests instead of slaving in the kitchen.


Be assertive today to get the things you want. You'll need to act quickly because one indecisive moment could leave you holding the bag. Or, in this case, you'll be holding a day-old bagel instead of that last nutty, cinnamony bear claw.


You'll feel dark on this bright and cheery day. So do something to put a smile on that face. A mid-morning breakfast of eggs sunny side up, hash browns and wheat toast will be perfect. You can even draw a smiley face on the toast with peach jam.


You'll want to be anywhere than work today. Fortunately, that'll change in the evening when you'll have trouble deciding from the wide array of choices. But when you're dining on bratwurst, strudel and mugs of Pilsner, you'll be glad you chose German.


Keep your emotions on simmer today. Going ballistic will ruin everyone's day. So do something fun at work to keep your mood light. A PB and J sandwich and a bowl of alphabet soup could be a hoot. Think of all the dirty words you can spell with those little letters.


Your friends enjoy spending time in the cozy comfort of your home. But it's your cooking they like the most. So invite them for an evening of cheer and braised barbecue beef sandwiches and baked beans that'll knock their socks off.

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