Your Daily FoodScope for March 25, 2023

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


A frank discussion with your partner about their ballooning weight may be in order today. Tough love is never easy, but show your support and devotion. Then stock the fridge with lots of salad ingredients, chicken breasts, and tofu. Eat some yourself.


The path to weight loss is all about exercise and diet. So put down the cheeseburger, chips and milk shakes and get on with it today. A low carb and fat/high protein diet kicks in quickly, and you'll start to look so good you want to do even more.


Seeing things from a different angle may give you a better perspective today. There may be a reason why your vegan friends are healthier than everyone else. Adopt their veggie, fruit, legume and tofu diet for a while and maybe you'll see why.


Co-workers will call you selfish when you grab the last of the lunchtime pizza for yourself. You'll laugh and mock them for not being as aggressive as you. But the tables may turn tomorrow when they order out for Chinese, and there won't be any for you.


You'll tell shallow, petty people where they can go today. They'll be shocked by your honesty but you won't give a damn. You could become the office pariah, but you'd rather enjoy your egg salad sandwich alone than eat with a bunch of idiots.

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Go with the flow if you want to have fun today. But set up boundaries or you could go overboard. Seeing to a racy French movie: fun! Going to a bar and seeing how many of those hard-boiled eggs floating in the purple liquid you can eat: disgusting!


You may be head over heels in love today but you could be heading for a rough landing. Heartbreak and wallowing in self-misery is never fun. But it does give you an excuse to eat a lot of mac and cheese and not feel guilty.


Don't get creative when choosing a dinner spot for a first date. Going somewhere that only has chicken fingers and hot dogs on the menu won't be impressive, especially if they make you wear a paper hat shaped like a mouse.


You'll be in a good mood today and you'll want to share it with others. So take friends to lunch and pick up the tab. But your goodwill may be undermined when you take them to a pastry shop and have them split a big sourdough baguette.


You'll speed through this day and it'll be over before you realize. Then you'll race home where a pot roast that's been slow cooking awaits. You'll serve that with mashers and thick gravy but sadly, it'll be gone before you know it.


Hang with people who share your values and needs today. This way no one will argue when you suggest having Norwegian reinsdyrsteik for dinner. It'll be nice to dine with people who are into reindeer steak as much as you.


The boss will call the shots for lunch today. It'll be fine with you as long as he's paying. But even that won't be worth it when he takes you to a sushi restaurant that's having a clearance sale on three-day-old sashimi and nigiri-zushi.

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