Your Daily FoodScope for June 30, 2022

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


Intense work situations may get your dander up today, but try to keep a calm, composed front. It'll be best to bite your tongue and walk away from potentially explosive confrontations. But the day will be over before you know it, and a comforting crab and cheese casserole for dinner will be your reward for taking the high road.


You'll feel quite emotional today as you get hit with a blast from your past. In fact, you can expect your inner child to make an impromptu appearance. But don't get too excited; it's only a bowl of Count Chocula cereal. It's when you drink your chocolate milk through a curly-cue straw that you'll really get worked up.


In this go-go-go, stress-filled world, maintaining a healthy heart can be a challenge, but there are simple ways of keeping that essential engine clean. The high levels of healthy, monounsaturated fat and Omega-3 fatty acids in a handful of nuts, such as almonds, walnuts or pecans, can lower blood pressure and cholesterol. So have a heart and go nuts today!


The heat will be on today, so be prepared to get hot under the collar. But try to keep your emotions on simmer because boiling over in public won't do much for your PR. Keep your cool until you get home. Then the only thing you'll want to boil is a pot of water for the pasta you'll have with a creamy clam sauce at dinner.


If there's one thing you have going for you, it's a head of thick, lustrous hair. It's part of your shine, your twinkle! A healthy diet may be partly responsible for your magnificent mane, particularly one that's heavy on dark green veggies, which are high in vitamins A and C.

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An investigation into your breakfast habits (or lack thereof) may explain why you feel sluggish in the morning. But you can easily alleviate that problem by drinking a glass of soymilk first thing. Soy contains isoflavones that help clear your mind. If you don't like soymilk, then toss some chopped tofu into scrambled eggs and you're good to go.


You won't see anything wrong with thinking only of yourself today. Others will accuse you of being selfish, but that's their problem. So don't feel guilty about not offering to share your tuna and chickpea fedelini with others. Sure, there's more than enough to go around, but sharing is not part of your vocabulary today.


After eating a pizza laden with it, today you'll declare garlic the king of all foods. And while it's well known that garlic can enliven almost any dish, this pungent bulb can also be a boon to healthy eyesight. Garlic is rich in sulfur, which acts as an antioxidant -- it keeps the lenses of your eyes strong and hardy.


In your dreams you may see yourself snacking on a plump, juicy peach or wandering through a peach orchard. Dream experts say that such dreams indicate you take pleasure in the simple things in life, such as snacking on a plump, juicy peach!


You can improve your social standing today by being giving and generous. Making a big batch of chocolate almond brownies and sharing them with friends will give your PR ratings a big boost. Serve cold milk and you could find yourself atop everyone's holiday gift list.


The deep feelings you had about something may suddenly diminish today. This may be the result of seeing things exactly as they are. Heartbreaking, yes, but when you realize the nonfat yogurt you love so much is actually loaded with sugar, you'll have no choice but to break off the relationship once and for all.


A fuzzy mind compromises your focus, so you may have trouble getting started today. Your brain needs fuel, so give it some by eating a glucose-packed, whole-grain bagel. Go one better by putting some lox on that bagel. Salmon contains DHA, an Omega-3 fatty acid that flushes away the cellular waste that's responsible for putting your brain in a fog.

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