Your Daily FoodScope for June 10, 2023

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


Flattery will get you everywhere today as you use your wily charms to move through professional and personal circles. Wowed by this magnificent persona, people will buy you dinner. Being in your presence will be worth the price of grilled ahi steak.


Drag a friend into hell and start a workout routine today. Together you can push through those first months when you're in a world of hurt. Nutrition's a part of this, too. After 5,000 grilled chicken breasts and a couple months of exercise you'll both be looking ooh-la-la!


You never know when inspiring new ideas are going to hit you right in the face. So keep yourself primed and ready for revelations today. Your mind's going to need to be sharp, so give it some zing with Omega-3s. One salmon cake sandwich and slaw coming up!


The house is rockin' with domestic problems today. But a reconciliation gesture could make for more soothing climes. Dinner's cool, but eat out; pizza or sushi will say 'sorry'. One taste of your homemade meatloaf and they'll think they're being poisoned.


It's usually the yes men and sycophants who agree with everything you say. But today everyone will bow to your every whim. Strike while the iron is hot and hit them up for an expensive lunch. You'll feel guilty about ordering the blackened swordfish, but not for long.

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A deep and meaningful discussion with your partner could clear the air. This will leave the rest of the evening open for a little lovey-dovey, finally. But have dinner first, an appropriate meal like Cornish game hens. They kind of look like doves.


Romance could be in your cards if you play them right. A home-cooked dinner date could seal the deal if with a new special somebody. Candles? Check. Music? Check. But if you really want to set a mood then serve oyster stew and oyster croquettes, you smoothie.


Passivity is not your style, but today it suits you well. Let others take the lead because today you're a sheep. But you won't have a hankerin' for hay and grass. Order the rack of lamb to show where you are today, only because lemming isn't on the menu.


It'll be a LOL kind of day. Your pithy sense of humor will have everyone in stitches. You may want to treat friends to dinner for more yuks, but don't cook at home. Your shrimp and clam casserole will smell funny strange, and not funny ha-ha.


Legend says that eating carrots will improve night vision, while fact states that spinach actually works. So go for both of this superstitious day. Steam them and serve with grilled chicken breast and rice. The double whammy could be better than Lasik.


Get your head out of the clouds long enough to deal with stuff today. Coming to earth will be a heady experience, but you'll be okay. But avoid angel hair pasta and clam sauce so heavenly it'll make you lighter than a feather again, drifting slowly upward.


Collecting all of your debts in food rather than cash today will be a practical money-saving strategy. Think of all the meals you can make, saving you even more money. But reserve one of those debts for dinner at a fabled steak house. You don't want to cook every night.

Make sure you're on the right path! Your Personalized Career Horoscope is waiting with answers for you.