Your Daily FoodScope for June 06, 2022

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


So what better time to invite your pals for a day of your favorite pastime? But you'll need more than beer to entice your guests to come over. Get a fire going in the grill and cook up ribs, chicken and burgers. If you build it, they will come.


Make sure you have all of your bases covered before you leave home. Most importantly remember to pack a picnic lunch. What could be better than spending the day with someone special, a bottle of cabernet and a few bologna sandwiches?


Your partner will crack the whip today, waving that to-do list in your face. Work with meticulous purpose and you'll knock chores off one by one. Then your time will be yours, and nobody can say otherwise when you crack open a German pilsner and a bag of hard pretzels and settle in for an afternoon of NASCAR on TV.


Friends will call and cajole, but you won't feel like going out today. So lock the doors, turn off the phone, and settle in at home. Oh, the fun you'll have as you putter around the house until it's time to cook dinner. It won't have to be complicated. Simply pour the marinara sauce from the jar right onto the hot pasta and -- TA-DAH! -- dinner!


You'll help friends and family by doing little favors for them, but they won't seem to appreciate it. So it may be best to fulfill your own needs today rather than the needs of others. Treat yourself to a hot fudge sundae or a big piece of chocolate cake. Now there's something to be appreciated!

Do your stars align? Find out your Compatibility Score and reveal the truth!


Today will be a good one to bring your house back into order. That may take a while, so bank a little time away. But you'll feel so secure in your suddenly cozy home that you may not want to go out tonight. Well, maybe to the Chinese restaurant for take out won ton soup and pork shumai. But then it'll be right home you go.


Your partner will be the ultimate authority today, so it looks like a day of chores and running errands. You may grumble at the work, but it'll all be worth it when you finally get home and find barbecued short ribs sizzling on the grill, and a cold beer poured and ready for drinking.


You may be amazed at your energy as you race through your day. That could be the result of the biscuits and gravy you had for breakfast. Or maybe it's from the tuna melt and fries you had for lunch. Whatever supplied it, pray that the energy lasts until dinner, when crab cakes and salad will hit the spot.


The family will disappear for the day, and you'll have to make your own lunch. That may be a foreign experience to you, but thank goodness for the can opener. That newfangled contraption will keep you from starving, if you can find the cans of tuna or soup, that is.


You may still be reaping the positive rewards from the garden you planted. Tomatoes, cucumbers, red and green capsicum and spinach... if you didn't grow them, you can get them at the market. A salad with homemade dressing will be a great way to celebrate the bounty.


You'll fight a tug of war with your own discipline today. You'll be torn between actions, and it's times like these that can get you into trouble. So just walk away from that homemade German chocolate cake your partner slaved over. All hell could break loose if a sliver somehow mysteriously disappears.


Your family may be growing tired of the same old pizza dinners. So break the monotony by whipping up something new and bold today. Philly cheese steaks and hoagies will be a welcome change. They may not be as good as those you find in Philly, but what is?

What does the moon say about your emotional nature? Master your emotions with a Natal Moon Report!