Your Daily FoodScope for July 28, 2023

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


Don't let people push the old 'try it, you'll like it' routine on you today. Sure, you may like it, but your health may not. Fried beef liver may be old school and packed with protein, but it'll send your cholesterol levels through the roof. There are better ways to get protein that won't turn your arteries to cement.


It's a good time to socialize over food. Lunch or dinner at nice restaurants is fun but expensive. So invite the gang to dine at your house. Everyone can relax and fill up on crab and cheese casserole. There will also be less chance of the table next to you eavesdropping on your gab session.


You may have to tighten the belt today. Your finances may not be as robust as you'd like and saving money may save your butt. So hunker down and learn to enjoy spaghetti and ketchup or pork and beans right out of the can.


You may have to flex a little muscle to get what you want today. But your efforts may fail miserably. This may be a good time to get back to the gym. But lifting alone won't pump you up. Start grilling those chicken breasts because you're going to need all the protein you can get.


You'll display an uncommon sensitivity today. Your demeanor will grow soft and warm, and you'll consider the feelings of others deeply. But you'll reveal your true self when the pot of home-made chili you'll share with coworkers is loaded with habanero peppers, chili powder and Tabasco, just the way you like it.

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There may not be anyone around to care for you when you come down with a cold today. So physician, heal thyself. Pull out a bag of the chicken noodle soup you froze and stock up on your vitamins, orange juice and gossip mags. If the soup doesn't make you feel better, perhaps the celebrity drama will.


Coworkers will disrupt the comfortable routine you thrive on. This will keep you from getting much done. So go to lunch alone; at least this way you can control things. You're a familiar face at the local deli, and the waiter will serve your usual bowl of borscht, a New York Reuben and cup of tea in exactly the order you like.


Control an urge to express your emotions today, especially if you're feeling blue. Save your waterworks for the less embarrassing confines of your home. Don't bother heating up leftover lasagna. You'll be weeping too hard to eat.


You may question many of your relationships today. A reexamination of some of the things you hold dear may not reveal things you want to see, let alone think about. But you know in your heart that your love affair with fried foods is doing nothing good for your health, and you may have to say goodbye to onion rings and fish sticks forever.


Don't take it personally if things don't go your way today. Stuff happens and none of it may be your fault. Unless, of course, you decide to have fried chicken, grits, biscuits and thick bacon gravy for lunch. Then your jump to jumbo-size clothing will be entirely your fault.


You may have to take a timeout to organize your day. Drawing up a game plan could keep your day from getting away from you. But don't forget to include time for nutrition. A midday meal packed with protein, carbs, and veggies will fuel you for the rest of the day.


You may be tempted to try a new version of an old favorite today. Making a white pizza could scratch that itch. You'll get all of the crunchy crusts, spicy marinara sauce and roasted veggies without all that fattening cheese, although it won't kill you to sneak a little pepperoni on there too.

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