Your Daily FoodScope for July 16, 2022

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


Acknowledge the strengths and talents of others today. They may not have the skill and expertise that you possess, but who does? They'll be grateful for the shout out, but that won't stop them from sharpening their knives, waiting for the next time you act like the fatted calf.


Start a fitness routine with a friend today, because it looks like all those Whoppers are catching up to both of you. Together you can give each other motivation, and help each other avoid your old fast food haunts.


You may be stuck for ideas today, so allow someone to help. They may teach you new tricks that will get your imagination cooking. There's no telling the new and exciting dishes that could come from this collaboration, so keep your mind open to inspiration.


Conflicts at home could have things uncomfortable, so fire up some comfort food. Familiar old recipes could touch of a wave of nostalgia that could help bring things back to normal. Who needs counseling when you've got meatloaf?


An already fiery romance could get even hotter today, and it'll be like your eating habanero sandwich. You may not have the stomach for such heat, but like a moth you'll be drawn to it, and then all the water in the water won't help.

What does your moon sign mean? Learn more about your emotional world with a Moon Sign Reading! 🌙


You moods will be like so much citrus fruit today. You'll waver between being as sweet and sassy as a Minneola Tangelo, or sour and intense like a lemon. While both will work for you, avoid adopting the characteristics of the Bitter Orange, for obvious reasons.


You may need some balance in your life today. For every chocolate chip muffin you eat, have a piece of fruit, and for every milk shake you down, have a cup of green tea. You may spend the entire eating, but at least you'll have balance.


Today will be an easy one, all light and fluffy like an angel cake. As such, it will also be a day that's inconsequential and easy to forget... not there's anything wrong with that.


The orders will come fast and furious today, so give yourself plenty of preparation time. Not being prepared could be the difference between a restaurant full of happy diners, or an angry mob throwing plates and sharp utensils at you.


You may not get that expected pay raise today, and that'll really cook your goose. Rather than get steamed try to figure out where you went wrong before confronting the boss. Otherwise you may find yourself going from the frying pan straight into the fire.


People aren't laughing at your dubious cooking skills... well, maybe they are. Vow to improve yourself today, and then prepare a feast for them. What you come up will be no laughing matter... then again, maybe it will.


A recent need to feel more spiritual may have you reading from Scriptures today. But while ancient passages telling of manna from heaven, water into wine, and eating forbidden fruit may not do much for your soul, they sure will make you hungry.

What does the moon say about your emotional nature? Master your emotions with a Natal Moon Report!